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samedi 19 juillet 2014

Tips In Finding Reliable Pet Sitters

By Juana Gamble

There are many brand names of food for animals. It is very important that you inform the caretaker about the food that your animals usually eat. Remember you are the one who is familiar with the animal. You know better your animal than the pet sitters do.

You will only be leaving the animal to the caretaker for a little awhile. It could be the first time that he sees the animal and takes good care of it. If there are certain restrictions with food and practically anything else about the animal, make sure to inform the caretaker about it.

It is also a good idea to keep your veterinarian in the loop especially if you are going to be away for a long time. They are under the care of this person temporarily until you get back home. Leave your contact number and email address to the person.

They may feel obligated to say yes as your friends and family. Thus, to avoid putting friends and family in a difficult situation where they feel obligated not to say no to your request, inform only those friends and family who love the same kind of animals. Check if they have spare time and space to take in these animals while you are not around.

Because you are that familiar with your animals, you can estimate well enough how much it can consumer for a given period of time. If you are leaving the animals to friends or relatives, some of them would tell you to not bother with shopping anymore. They will be the one to do it.

Thus, it is very important that you choose the person who will take in your animal while you are off in some island or business. It is imperative that you inform the caretaker which brand names of food and toiletries that are preferable for your animals. Buying the suppliers for your animals in advance will also be helpful.

Besides, you do not leave your animals to people who you do not trust. Inform the caretaker everything that he needs to know about the animals. This will help him in taking good care of it properly. Leaving money for the caretaker for him to buy the supplies will also work.

This is if you know you can trust the person but then again, you would not leave your animals to people who cast a shadow of doubt in your mind. He can also phone you up to inform you that there is no food for the animals anymore and that it is time to replenish the stock. With this, you will have to leave your phone number to him so that when something is needed to be bought for the animals, he can reach you.

Another way of doing it is to let the caretaker contact you whenever something is needed and then you send him money. But you can always pay him later. Just make sure he shows valid receipts for the things he bought for the animals.

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