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dimanche 13 juillet 2014

All That One Needs Know About Dog Walking

By Coleen Torres

Walking dogs is a very important part of their day. Dog walking in Houston TX is an integral part of the overall growth of the animals. There are several important tips to help in that. It is essential to remember that throughout the walk, it is important to always ensure the animal walks behind or beside you. Walking in front ensures the individual is the pack leader, otherwise the dog will be considered the leader. The master ought to be the first out of the door and the first back in.

Leashes used ought not to be long as that would hinder the level of control achieved. Through attaching leashes at the very top, it becomes easier to communicate with them, correct them and give them the right guidance. In case there is need for additional help, the illusion collar can be used. Safety of the animals should always be considered whenever instructions are given.

Enough time should be set aside for the walk. Dogs are diurnal just like humans and therefore the ideal situation is to take the walks in the morning. Between thirty minutes to one hour is just fine. Needs are different for different dogs and this should be known for the specific pet. A vet can be consulted to know the specific needs.

Just like during their training, pets need to be rewarded during the walk. When the dogs have achieved the proper mind state, they are supposed to be left to relieve themselves and also sniff around. One will then need to make a decision as to when the reward time ends. Reward time should be less than time spent in the walks. The leading continues even after the walk is over. The leash is removed as the animal waits.

There are a number of benefits of walking the dogs around. For once, it provides an outlet for their energy. Every single day, there is build up of some energy in dogs that need to be expended. If this was not done through walking, it may result in bad and destructive behavior and anxiety. They say that a tired canine is a well behaved one and a bored one becomes bad. Good walks also calm down hyper or energetic dogs.

Through walking, the natural roaming and exploration instincts will be enhanced. It is natural for dogs to walk as packs and roam for long distances looking for food and water. Thus though they are not wild in this case, the walk is still part of their natural instinct. They are animals that need to more than just rest and sleep. Walks offer a sense of not just accomplishment but also direction.

There also is the aspect of provision of physical and mental stimulation. Exploring the surroundings is happens through instinct. Through this, they will get exposed to a variety of smells, sounds and sights. It also serves as a mental work out for their brains.

The social life of dogs is very instrumental. It is important for all dogs to have a social life, more so early in their life. They will get to encounter people and other dogs. Such kind of interaction builds their confidence and social skills.

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