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dimanche 13 juillet 2014

Natural Flea Control Methods That Are Applicable At Home

By Coleen Torres

Sometimes it seems like fleas are invading the world today. They are a nuisance to humans and the pets too, such that they cause irritation to human skin and animal fur. The chemicals induced or applied on to the animals; dogs and cats in most cases may be toxic to the pets themselves. Fleas are becoming resistant to the chemicals thought and produced by scientists with the aim of eliminating them. Natural flea control therefore aims at providing safe and dependable means to eradicate the growing flea populations in our homes and in the environment around as most especially during flea seasons.

These creatures spend much of their time on pets. Most of their time is in moist places or around the home where they breed and develop. These places include; in cracks on the floor and on the walls. They can therefore stay alive in a house for about two years. One wonders how they come back so fast or have a resistance towards the chemicals known to purge them, whereas in real sense most of those chemicals are only damaging to adult fleas. The eggs become uninjured and thus grow into larvae which later develop into an adult. The cycle continues forming a large irrepressible population of the creatures.

Hygiene is an important consideration a pet owner should make. Simple requirements of a proper bath preferably using soapy water could be of great help to reducing flea infestation in the pets.soapy water is unbearable for the living things. Giving your pet a brush using a flea brush will help detect and remove them from the fur. When all that is done the possibilities of your pet having several fleas is minimized. Proper hygiene keeps the fleas away.

A proper diet is also part of the natural steps taken to do away with the unwanted parasites. Fit pets have a strong immune system. This will aid to keep away fleas and hence reduce the negative effects they bring upon on the pets. Fascinatingly fleas do not find healthy and clean animals smelling good to them.

Ensuring that you pet has good health, a diet that has all the nutrients and has a good hygiene followed by regular physical exercise are very simple and inexpensive ways guaranteeing the well being of pets by keeping fleas away.

When flea infestation is so rampant, traps are an option. Set soapy waters on the areas that these creatures love hibernating and also light the dish overnight. The attraction they have towards the warmth of the light will lure them into getting into the soapy water containing dish leading to their demise. This is attributable to their allergy to soapy water. An electric trap can also be used.

Vacuuming is an effective way to kill both adult fleas and their eggs.When carrying out this process, salt should be used.Its dehydrating effect leaves these creatures dead.Waste from the vacuumed area should be destroyed by burning to guarantee that fleas do not find their way back to the house.

Diatomaceous, which natural, can be used on the pets and the areas infested by fleas. A simple application of this substance of the pet and these areas is enough to kill fleas.It is also less toxic to pets and human beings.

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