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dimanche 6 juillet 2014

Finding The Best Goldendoodle Breeder Will Lead To The Perfect Dog

By Rosella Campbell

If you feel that you have waited long enough to bring a canine into your family, then the best thing to do is find a goldendoodle puppy from a reputable breeder who operates in your neck of the woods. This breed is the most fantastic choice in regards to any pets you could buy because of their placid temperament, long lifespan, and unconditional companionship to your family, despite their particular lifestyle. A good goldendoodle breeder will sell you a pooch that will be making lasting memories with your family for a long time after you bring it home.

Goldendoodles are considered to be a type of fancy designer canine breed. While they are technically hybrids of standard poodles and golden retrievers, they now stand on their own and are widely revered. This is because breeding these two dogs together produces an animal with the stature of a retriever, but the curly hair and fluff of the poodle.

A prime reason that people decide to bring goldendoodles into their homes is because the breed does not suffer from the bulk of health problems typically associated with inbred dogs from older lines. Since these canines come from two entirely separate pure bred animals, the chances that inbreeding will be a factor are practically zero. For you, it means less worrying about issues like cancer, hip dysplasia, or arthritis which commonly affect older large size purebred dogs.

Another attribute of canines that come from two different lines is a much longer lifespan. This is mainly due to the fact that disease is far less prevalent from the lack of inbreeding. It is not uncommon for these dogs to live fifteen years or more without health complications.

As of late, there are many families aiming to adopt goldendoodles because they have such a great temperament. They possess they loyalty and the friendly nature of the golden retriever and the energy and charm of the standard poodle. As a result, they are loveable family pets that also have lots of energy and character.

If your family is always suffering from allergies, then you will definitely want to consider this breed. Like poodles, these dogs are totally hypoallergenic. Only in the most extreme cases of allergies do they cause problems, which makes it likely that sneezing and sniffling will be kept to a minimum.

If your family hates cleaning up messes, then you have another great reason to get a goldendoodle. The breed naturally behaves well, even indoors, but they also do not shed. Like poodles, goldendoodles retain their fur on their bodies, which keeps it out of our car, off of your furniture, and away from your clothes. All you need to do is take your pooch for a periodic grooming session to prevent matting.

Before you select a breeder, please take the time to research so you can make a responsible choice. Reputable breeding facilities exist in your area if you take the time to find them. If you make this your standard, you can bet on finding a healthy puppy that quickly bonds with your family and loves each and every one of you unconditionally.

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