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jeudi 17 juillet 2014

Staying Away From The Crazy Cat Lady Notion

By Juana Gamble

If you want people to stop having this notion about you, then you will have to make some changes on how you live your life. For starters, you need to know what this article is all about. The paragraphs below can actually be very useful to you if you will give them the chance. So, be able to sit in your favorite couch and get this show on the road.

First, you are required to get your confidence bar up again. Yes, you may have become hidden to the world because of that crazy cat lady fiasco but then, now is the time for you to turn your life around. It is your responsibility to see yourself as a brand new person because if you start to think that way, then people will have no choice but to see the change in you.

Second, whether you like it or not, you will have to go back to where the problem began. If people started mocking you because of the fact that you bring your cats everywhere you go, then you will have to provide a remedy to that routine. Keep in mind that you were perfectly fine without these creatures so you just have to get back to how it used to be.

Third, draw a firm line between your friends and your cats. You should have realized by now that they are completely two different entities. If you are going to try to mix them, then there will be chaos in your life again. When that happens, then you can only blame yourself from getting back to where you have started.

Also, you would have to lessen the number of the frames which contain the picture of you cat. Actually, the rule to follow here is simple. You would need to stop letting your world revolve around those animals. They may be a huge part of your life but then, they can never be the same with your friends.

Force yourself to go back to the social scene. Keep in mind that it is your God given right to mingle with people. If you do not like the first set of people that you see, then that is absolutely fine. Do not keep yourself restricted to the circle of friends that you have because that will only defeat the purpose of releasing yourself.

The conversations that you have with your friends should no longer be about your feline. Have other things to talk about such as the latest restaurants in your town. That will surely be a nice topic to have.

Moreover, stop your feline collection from growing. If you fail to do this, then your home will never be a great place to come over. You might even get sick due to all the dirt being left by your pets.

Lastly, save your pet from all those dress up sessions. Those clothes will only make it hard for them to breathe and even walk. Treat them like animals and not like humans.

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