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jeudi 3 juillet 2014

Dog Nail Clipping An Important Part Of Pet Grooming

By Rosella Campbell

To keep your dog happy and healthy, he needs regular grooming. This involves occasional bathing, coat brushing and trimming, dental care, and dog nail clipping. All these things are important and provide many benefits to your dog, including enhanced well-being and a healthier, longer life. There are many skilled dog groomers or vets in Marlton, NJ who are more than happy to look after your pet, but if you'd prefer to do some things yourself, such as clipping your dog's nails, you will need to know the correct technique.

Leaving your dog's claws unclipped will result in them becoming curled. This may cause your dog to walk uncomfortably as it places pressure on the toes, and in some cases the toes may even pierce the paw pad, resulting in infection and pain. Trimming should be done monthly, or the quick (the nerves and blood vessels to the claw) will grow along with the nail, which then can't be cut properly.

The two main kinds of trimming implements are the guillotine type, which works by placing the nail to be trimmed through a ring and then squeezing the handles to move the blade up through it, and the scissors type, which is standard and best used for nails that are curved. Simply place it at right angles to the nail, in the same way that you would use a pair of scissors.

The color of your dog's nails depends on the color of the adjacent skin and hair. Claws that are of a lighter color will be easier to trim than darker ones, because the quick is more easily seen. Cut the nail to within about 2 mm of the quick.

If the nail is dark and you can't see the quick clearly, the correct technique is to make multiple small cuts from the tip of the claw until you see an oval that is pink or gray in color, on the cut nail surface. Remember to always use clean, sharp trimmers, as this will ensure a clean and trouble free cut. You may find that the rear claws need trimming less often than the front ones as they tend to be shorter. As a finishing touch, smooth the cut surface with a file.

The trimmer blade should always be facing toward you, not your pet, so the quick isn't cut into. If cut it will result in bleeding and pain for your dog, so always be careful. However, if there is an accident, the bleeding should stop on its own after a few minutes.

The dew claw is on the inner side of the paw and is attached to the leg by loose skin. These claws do not touch the ground but can get long and grow into the toe-pad. It can be bent away from the leg to position a guillotine trimmer over the claw tip. You may also need to trim the dew claws on the inner paw surface.

Your confidence and skill in clipping your dog's nails will improve with experience, but if at any time you are unwilling or unable to do the job yourself, you can easily get it done by a professional groomer or vet in Marlton, NJ, and give your dog the care and attention he deserves.

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