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samedi 12 juillet 2014

The Art Of Dog Walking

By Coleen Torres

It is highly recommended that you train your dog in ways that will help him remain healthy and playful no matter the circumstances. Dog walking comes with many benefits both to the dog owner and the pet itself. However, you need to know how to do it in order to achieve the desired results fast.

It is only by walking your dog that you will be able to see some great changes. However, it is important to consider what pet experts have always recommended. For instance, always lead the dog and do not let it lead you. It is only through this that the pet can see you as a pack leader and obey you.

You are advised to get out there and have enough time, not just a few minutes, with your pet. This helps the dog exercise more hence while making him more flexible in all ways. It is best to take your dog for a walk in the morning or evening, whichever suits you best. Nevertheless, always consult with a Houston TX vet for the best time to walk your type of dog.

Walking is also a way of bonding with your pet, but do not make a mistake of allowing your dog to be in the lead. In fact, you should train your pet to be patient every time you return from the walks. As you clean the kennel or remove your shoes, let your pet wait besides you. This is one thing that instills discipline in your dog.

A disciplined dog makes it easier for pet owners who are not at home all the time. As you walk your pet down the pathways, ensure that the leash is short in order to have total control. The use of long leash can make your dog easily stray during the walks. If this happens, you might incur some penalties for the misbehavior of the dog.

A scientific research that was recently undertaken points out that obesity in dogs is reaching extreme levels. In order to counter this issue, researchers have advised people to take their pets for walks. This method is effective and inexpensive but the results are tremendous. It will not only reduce the weight of the dog but will make the pet more active. Furthermore, the research found out that walks have been known to slow down the aging process and improve the immune system too.

When taking your dogs for walks, always remember to carry some water with you. Give it to your pet whenever it feels thirsty. You are also advised not to walk your dog in so much heat, and ensure that you supervise your pet when around children for the sake of their safety.

You are reminded to carry a plastic bag so that you can pick droppings whenever you dog messes the pathways. Also, ensure that the duration of the walks is between 30 minutes to 1 hour. If there are many dogs around, make it a point that the pet can easily be identified. This is definitely the best way to enjoy the company of your pet all morning.

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