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mercredi 23 juillet 2014

Learn To Train Your Dog With A Bucks County PA Dog Obedience Trainer

By Carla Bergoba

Dogs are fantastic companions. They are friendly, affectionate and intelligent so more households have dogs for pets than any other type of animal. Whether you have a dog for a particular job such as security, or just for fun it is important that they are well behaved. If you need to check out a Bucks County PA dog obedience trainer you can find them online.

Training is not just about toilet training, although that is very important. When a dog is not trained it can be difficult and in extreme cases dangerous to live with. Owners need to feel comfortable first of all that their dog is not going to attack anyone. Nobody wants to have to curtail visitors to their house or keep their pet on a leash all the time for fear it will attack someone.

Reward training is probably the most popular. You will learn simple commands and then when to give the appropriate reward. Most dogs enjoy this process. They are social animals and like to please their owners so it can be a lot of fun for both of you.

Good training is about giving you the tools to communicate clearly with your dog. Their associations are made very quickly and often depend on the location rather than situation. It is a different time scale from the human one. This means we often try to discipline dogs at the wrong time. It is pointless to show them your chewed slippers when you come home from work. They just wont understand the association between their chewing and your anger.

It can be hugely frustrating to try to communicate with a dog. Often they seem to understand but have made a different association that the one the owner wants to establish. This becomes apparent later and then it is often too late to correct the error. Learning simple techniques, such as obedience commands and rewarding can lead to a more fulfilling life for everyone.

Whether you have a puppy or an older dog with behavioral problems you can get a lot of benefit from some training. It can take place in classes or even in the home where the dog might fell more comfortable. It does not take long to learn the basics so that you can enjoy your pet all the time.

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