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vendredi 18 juillet 2014

Reduce Waste In Your Lagoon

By Lianne Derocco

Typically, the word lagoon conjures up images of a tropical paradise. However, for those in the livestock industry, a lagoon has a far less idyllic ambiance. Livestock lagoons are man-made basins where animal waste is managed and treated.

This basin must be maintained to a certain standard or else you risk harming both your animal population as well as people who live nearby. Adding chemicals to the lagoon can reduce problems, but the chemicals can pose risks as well. It is a good idea to use lagoon management products that are natural and safe for the environment.

For example, one easy-to-use product is the AgraSphereLGT. This lagoon treatment product will activate the liquefaction of waste solids and reduce the odor as well as reducing the amount of flies. In addition, it can improve the nutrient value of manure for use in the growing of crops.

AgraSphere is a biodegradable sphere that contains a mix of bacteria that eat away at the waste. The spheres are easy to use, you just toss them into the lagoon and they begin to work within minutes. Each sphere lasts for 30 days and will treat 400,000 gallons of lagoon waste. All you need to do is calculate the amount of gallons in your lagoon and toss in enough spheres to accommodate the size. You need not mix the product into the lagoon; it will simply go to work by itself.

If you are already experiencing severe crusting, it is a good idea to treat the lagoon with Activator Plus LGT. This product works along the same lines as the AgraSphereLGT, and will begin to quickly reduce sludge in a lagoon that is overloaded. After a treatment or two with Activator Plus LGT you are sure to see improvement and then you can use the spheres each month to keep the lagoon maintain and prevent crusting problems.

Neither product is harmful to people or livestock and both have been approved by qualified veterinarians. Both the Activator Plus and the AgraSpheres offer farmers great, chemical-free alternatives for waste treatment. This creates a healthier farm which is not only better for the animals but for the local population as well.

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