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lundi 21 juillet 2014

That Crazy Cat Lady Has Problems

By Monique Potts

Every person living in upstate New York has heard about the woman who never liked having humans for friends. For years they all called Emma Smith the crazy cat lady since she would always keep felines for pets. Each year every feline on Earth would come upon her property and take up residence. She was very kind hearted and did not like to run these animals off the land.

There was one particular creature called Henry who really tickled her fancy. This was a great animal who would always rub himself against any human legs that were around. She decided to take Henry on her travels since he was such a lovely pet. This great duo enjoyed each other's company so much and they took a lovely cruise together during summer break.

The relationship between Emma and Henry made the rest of the cats living in this home very upset. They all felt that it was quite unfair that their mistress would take a vacation with this one particular creature who was brand new. Miss Emma made up for this mistake by fixing wonderful food items for all of the cats living at her house.

Fortunately the meal was quite delicious and satisfied every creature living within this household. One day another handsome male tabby came into her yard and she could not resist this creature at all. Emma immediately greeted him with open arms and took him inside of her house.

He was given a proper introduction to all of the other animals and they were not impressed with him at all. He took on the name Orson which was very popular many years ago. The great dead actor Orson Welles would have been very proud of his new namesake who had come onto this property.

This new feline fit right into the household since Miss Emma adored him so very much. Henry had to give up his living space within her room since Orson was now going to reside there. She changed the name on Henry's mat which made this animal very upset.

His bedroom privilege was taken away from him since Orson would now sleep on his warm and comfortable mat. The damaged feline wanted to murder his mistress and her new pet who was now causing severe problems. He took it upon himself to destroy both of them at one time.

Henry had to sleep on his thoughts about revenge since this concept was very new to him. He had never felt such pain and anger before and it was making him very ill. Eventually he made up his mind to just gather all of his items and leave the household permanently. This was indeed a wise decision since he was able to find love and respect in another home. Even today Emma continues to live with hundreds of cats who have now completely taken over her property. She does not care about the odor which has filled her lovely house.

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