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mardi 22 juillet 2014

Finding Bourbon Red Turkeys For Sale

By Sharron Cantu

The last word most people would use to describe a turkey is beautiful. The name brings visions of hundreds of birds in a pen waiting to become Thanksgiving dinner for millions of Americans. Another vision might be of a wild turkey that roams freely in rural areas across the nation. Most people are unaware of the variety of specialty breeds available in this country. Today you can find bourbon red turkeys for sale in most areas of the country.

This breed of turkey was created in Kentucky in the early nineteen hundreds through intermixing various colorful breeds until the proper characteristics and colors were attained. The color became a deep chestnut red with white tail and wings. The tail has a band of red through the tail feathers that give the toms an exotic look when they strut.

They were a very popular as a meat bird in the 1930s and 1940s. Their popularity declined like all other breeds when the broad breasted white turkey was commercialized. Fortunately they are returning to favor since beginning of the twenty first century. Despite regaining population numbers they are still listed on the "watch" list by the American livestock Breeds Conservancy because there are only five thousand breeding birds registered.

The average young tom dresses out at approximately sixteen pounds and the young hens weigh about ten pounds when prepared for the table. Mature birds weigh considerably more and are generally used for breeding rather than retail sales. One positive feature of these birds is the white pin feathers they have. Being white they do not stain the skin like others and present a very good looking and smooth carcass.

These birds make excellent pets because of their non-aggressive nature. The coloring will make them a welcome sight to any barn yard. The vivid coloring of toms, especially during the early fall is awe inspiring. The faces turn from white to blue and the beards are a shimmering black. Back and body feathers glisten in the sun with hues from red to burgundy.

Most producers will require that you pre-order your birds well ahead of any holidays and most recommend that you purchase more than one bird for the season. The birds are allowed to forage during the day in pastures and are fed supplemental grains and feed to help them gain and retain weight. The producer will take your order using full pound weights and although they cannot guarantee the exact poundage for your bird they will get as close as they possibly can.

Many farmers or ranchers who offer them for purchase have contacts with retailers where you will be able to pick up your bird. Others offer a discount for those who come to the property and collect their own orders while still others will ship the order in Styrofoam ice chests packed with dry ice. Most sellers will recommend that you purchase more than one bird at a time from them so you may have one for later in the year.

Regardless of whether you are purchasing these birds for your farm or for your holiday dinners you can be assured that they will meet your expectations in every respect.

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