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jeudi 14 mai 2015

Understanding The Crazy Cat Lady

By Tammie Caldwell

There are some women who are obsessed with cats for a number of reasons. Some genuinely want to help cats because they are strays and do not have anywhere else to go. Others do it because they are lonely and need company. In both cases, society has coined the term crazy cat lady to describe women who have a large number of cats in a small living space.

There might be one woman who lives in the neighborhood and has been single for a long time. She has never been married and she does not have any children. She has a very special place in her heart for animals of all kinds but is particularly fond of cats. So she decides to have a cat as a pet since she believes in taking care of animals.

This woman is usually single and does not have any responsibilities to others since they live on their own. So they use the opportunity to use the space they have in their home to take care of these cats. The main problem is that their home is usually too small to take care of so many cats.

This might seem to others as a compulsion or a mental illness since these women are typically in a situation where they have more cats than the average person, sometimes as much as 65 or more. Having this many cats can be unsettling to others especially if the woman is unable to keep the place clean and provide for each cat and their individual needs.

A woman with many cats can also be defined a person who uses animals to relieve herself of sadness and loneliness. She might have had the responsibility of taking care of a family, but she is now on her own. This type of woman might decide to devote her time and energy to cats since she has no one else to care for.

She saw her first cat wondering on her front lawn one day and decided to feed it. It did not have an owner since she asked the neighbors if the cat belonged to any of them. So she decided to take this animal in and make it her pet. She was so happy to be able to provide for this pet, that her sadness and loneliness gradually disappeared.

As a result, she took in a cat every chance she got. She had so many cats that the neighbors were worried about the living conditions in the house she lived in. Some of them tried to talk to her, but she saw them as threatening to break up her new family, which in her mind is the only family she had at the time.

These are the two main types of women who take many cats into their home. What is similar is that in both cases, they usually do not have large homes or are very rich to take care of all of these animals. Understanding why an individual might behave in this manner might help in creating positive solutions both for the women and the animals.

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