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mercredi 27 mai 2015

Caring For Your New Mini Husky

By Ericka Marsh

Even though they look just like standard Huskies, miniature huskies are quite different and can require some more in-depth care than other dogs. Since their creation in the 1990s, this type of breed has become one of the more popular among people who like to own designer dogs. Many families enjoy having a mini husky in their family. However, if you decide to bring one home with you, you could do well to learn some basic care strategies for your new pet's happiness and health.

Miniature huskies came about in the 1990s after the breed's originator wanted to create a smaller version of the standard Malamute or husky dog. She bred smaller dogs of this breed to maximize the small gene in them, which could then be passed down to these dogs' offspring. In time, she created what is now known as the miniature version of huskies.

As stated, they can be more reserved and less exuberant than their full-size counterparts. Because they tend to be a bit shy, they are usually integrated with a family as pups and taught not to be aggressive with strangers. If you add a puppy to your family, you would do well to instruct your pup on how to welcome new people who come into your home.

Socialization is only one aspect of their upkeep. You also, as the new owner, are reminded to get your pup's immunizations regularly. Most dogs of any breed do well to get their shots every year or every two years, depending on the type of immunization your vet recommends. Regular shots will help safeguard your pet's more compact and fragile design.

Likewise, you are reminded to keep its coat well brushed and tangle free. This canine will have a finer coat than standard counterparts. The fur can get easily matted and dirty if you allow your dog to go without regular grooming. Matted coats often must be shaved and allowed to grow back, a process that can take weeks or months.

If you are comfortable bathing your dog at home, you might do well to buy a pet shampoo made from oatmeal. Oatmeal is renowned for keeping away problems with dog skin like eczema and dandruff. It also prevents rashes from developing. After you bathe your pet, you may brush it with a fine brush until the fur is smooth and glossy.

This type of canine can be high-spirited and energetic. Keeping it in a confined space could cause it to damage your house or break your belongings. Rather than allow its energy to be pent up in such a manner, it might suit you to move to a place that has a fenced-in backyard or a large property. You might also use a leash to take your pet on a run in the park.

A husky that is mini by design may look cute and seem like a novelty to own. However, because it is a pet that needs your love and attention, you may remember some basic care tips. These tips will help you integrate it into your family and ensure its happiness and good health.

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