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dimanche 24 mai 2015

For Best Dog Walking Cornelius Is The Way To Go

By Tammie Caldwell

Most dog breeds have an initial purpose for which they were developed. However, most of them never do what they were meant for due to un-supportive lifestyles of their owners. Many dogs today stay locked in kennels or confined in apartments or homes. Therefore, lack of exercise, anxiety, and boredom are constant sources of pressure. To overcome these pressures, dog walking was invented as an alternative for spending energy and staying fit.

In many countries with developed economies, walking of dogs is done as both a profession and as a pastime. As pastime, members of the family may do the job. Professionally, professional dog walkers can be hired to render the service. Normally canines are led from their house to some location and then returned. To achieve good results health wise, one needs to do the job every day. To hire a professional in dog walking Cornelius provides on of the best places one is advised to visit.

Experts recommend that dogs should start going out for walks as early as when they are still puppies. Starting this activity as early as that accustoms the animal to the habit and prevents occurrence of problems in the future. Once the puppy has developed a considerably strong immune system against communicable diseases they should be taken out for a walk. Knowing when the puppy has attained this age may be a problem for most people hence it is advisable to check with a veterinarian first.

Dogs are walked using a collar or a harness to direct where they should go. Some dogs may also just follow the owner out of familiarity. In some cases, the owner may have to use verbal commands to direct the canine. Surveys have indicated that not all people take their dogs out to walk on a daily basis like it is recommended.

When choosing a harness or a collar, one should ensure that it fits properly. Attaching a name or ID tag is best. The puppy should first get used to collars before the first walk. Taking a puppy that has not gotten used to wearing harnesses or tags can cause problems during the walk. Besides fitting properly, the collar should offer comfort and be light-weight too. The length of the leash can vary, but 10 to 15 feet is preferable.

Initial walks are for making the puppy used to following a lead, hence the distance involved needs to be short. Before picking the leash up, the puppy should be led to pull it around for a while. Dogs that move forward fast should be stopped by pulling them back or stopping and holding them back. Better results can be achieved by stopping shortly for play or praise before continuing.

Dogs get exercised a lot through walking. Through walking, the dog gets healthier and fitter. In addition, canines also get a chance for them to get used their natural instincts like investigating, marking spots, and sniffing in a natural ambience. Like stated earlier various breeds were bred for different purposes and offering them a natural environment does a lot of good to them.

Additionally, canines also derive companionship from walks and develop strong bonds with their owners. They get to socialize with other dogs and animals and people too. Walks are a fundamental part to the overall health and well-being of any canine and should be provided every day.

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