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mardi 19 mai 2015

Instructions To Leave For An Individual Cat Sitting Your Furry Friend

By Tammie Caldwell

When you are leaving a pet with someone else for some time, you can be better sure of the animal getting the care they need when you leave instructions. There may be routines that the creature has, certain foods to eat and so on. The same can be said about cat sitting. It is important to leave adequate directions so that the individual can take care of the beloved critter while you are away, no matter how long you are gone for. There are various types of things that you may need to have done to ensure the cat's health and safety.

Often, pet owners develop routines or habits with their pets. They might feed the furry critters at certain times of the day or they may let them outside for a specific period of time. These things are usually important, not just to you but to the animals as well. If you have a cat then you may have experienced the same thing.

In terms of getting a sitter for your beloved friend in Sacramento, CA, there may be different individuals available. Whoever you choose to hire, it can be a good idea to give them instructions. In such a manner, this person is able to refer to the directions to know what to do and you can have some peace of mind as well.

There may be specific points to include on the list of instructions. The food that should be given to the pet is one aspect. Perhaps there are certain times and amounts that the nourishment needs to be given. In some cases, simply placing the food in an accessible area may be enough.

If you cat requires medications, you may need to show the individual how it should be administered. The dosage is important as well. It is important that these instructions are written down and followed by the caretaker. In the case that there is more than one medicine to be given, it should be made clear which one is administered and when.

Cats should always be left with fresh water and enough for any period that they might be alone. The same goes for food. You are advised to mention this to them so that they will check on the water each day.

If there are any areas of the home that are easy for such animals to squeeze into and get stuck, you should mention this and have these areas barred off. This can be done before you leave but ensure that the individual knows about this. It can also be discussed concerning keeping the doors shut properly so that the pet doesn't get out when it's not supposed to.

Whether you are leaving for business or pleasure, it is important that you obtain the right person to take care of your cat. It's generally a good idea to leave the person instructions. You might want to include leaving the pet fresh water, giving certain foods, administering medications and other such things on the list. There may be numerous points to write down to make sure that the beloved friend is taken care of properly.

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