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dimanche 17 mai 2015

How To Select High Tech Products For Blind Dogs

By Tammie Caldwell

The biggest challenge for any pet owner is a dog with an impairment. Not only is it an emotionally harassing experience, it is also a difficult phase for the animal. However, there are ways to make the experience a little smoother by acquiring some high tech products for blind dogs to ease their life.

Living in the digital era has its advantages. We see around us innovations coming up every day. So if we can take advantage of these for our own daily existence, so can we for that of our animal family members. With devices that can help them see, hear and move better, technology has taken leaps and bounds ahead.

Blindness is a condition that afflict many dogs as they age. For those who have been around in a family for long, they become like members of that family, and their condition too must be dealt with like that of a living person.

One of the products now quite popular in the market is the halo. It is available in various versions by different manufacturers. One of the predicaments doggies with visual impairment suffer is bumping into furniture and other things around the house. A halo is a device that can be pulled over the body like a vest and has a literal halo that circles the head of the animal. This way, he or she is protected from harmful objects that they can bump into.

A huge feeling of safety and also immense relief are what such a device can bring about. Once your pet has grown used to this gear, he or she will also begin to feel comfortable and realize it is for his or her own safety that the device has been put on them.

A product that is simple to use yet extremely effective in protecting a visually impaired animal is a collar with a sign. The sign can be warning to other people that the creature cannot see. This way, dog lovers given to pet or speak to doggies on their way to a market or simply walking on the street will be warned not to touch the pet. Strangers can be a huge threat to an animal, especially one that cannot see well. Thus a warning device in the form of a collar can be extremely useful.

Basic needs of pets should also not be ignored in this discussion. Some of these include drinking water and eating food. A simple way to enable the mutt to reach his or her drinking bowl can be to attach bells or some sound system to it. A product doing the rounds in the pet market is a drinking water fountain. This enables them to listen to the sound and therefore reach the spot to quench their thirst.

An already blind dog can be caused more harm if outside in the sun for walks or long periods without any protection for his or her eyes. Therefore, Doggles are the answer. These are eye glasses for the animals to help protects their eyes form the sun, and also warn other humans that the doggy they are encountering is visually impaired.

With a host of such products and more in the market nowadays, our dear four legged companions need not live in stress and discord. And their owners can feel more relaxed and assured of a better existence for them.

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