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mardi 19 mai 2015

Tips On How To Get Help For Blind Dogs

By Tammie Caldwell

Most people think that having a blind dog can be very exhausting. It is at first but after a while when one is used to, you will find that it can be fun and a fulfilling experience. At first its scary to have such a responsibility thrown at your lap all of a sudden when your dog becomes blind. Help for blind dogs is a very sensitive issue since a dog that is visually impaired will need more constant care and it could be overwhelming if you do not learn the right way to give the care.

Try not to move your furniture at all so that the dog will not be confused when moving around. It will easily get disoriented or worse still get scared. This is not something you would want to do to your pet so remove objects from the floor and also try to keep the floor clear from anything that can prevent your dog from moving around the house freely.

All dogs love going for walks and if you used to take your dog for the walk, do not stop now by all means. Go on with the routine. Use a harness with a shorter leash than a long leash. This will give them some sense of security because it will now feel closer to you since it knows that you are closer t him. It will also help you to keep control over the dog.

Cushion or Cover the sharp corners and objects in your home so that they will not run into them and in the end hurt themselves. The surfaces that could be detrimental include door facings or cabinets. Floor runners that are textured can be used to guide the movements of your dog from room to room in your home.

A blind dog is easily frightened when sneaked on, so it is always advisable to be very careful when approaching them. Also do not startle them when they are asleep. Minimize the landscaping of your compound if the dog spends most of its time outdoors. Fence your compound well so that it will not go outside since it might get lost.

Communication with a visual impaired dog can be a bit challenging because you cannot sign with it. Its good to develop words and phrases that you can both understand for easier communication, like sit, go, stand, eat and stay. The words will also help the dog to feel bonded with u because your voice will reassure it. A routine will also help.

When you have visitors in your house, it is advisable to tell them in advance that your pet is blind so that they will not end up trying to pet your dog resulting in it being hostile hence an ugly scene at your house. When you go for a walk or whenever you are outside the house, put a sticker or a bandana on your dog so that people will be mindful of its condition.

Many visually impaired dogs feel socially, mentally and psychologically isolated just like the deaf and physically handicapped dogs. To curb this daily routine should be developed which helps the dog synchronize to his world. This makes the impaired dogs live a happy and a comfortable life despite the disability.

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