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dimanche 17 mai 2015

Learn About Dog Chew Toys For Heavy Chewers

By Tammie Caldwell

Chew toy is a given type of toy that are meant to be chewed by animals. Puppies and grown dogs are the major animals for which these items are designed. However, other animals such as rabbits, rodents, and birds can also chew these commodities. The size of the item should be chosen depending on the type and size of the animal. There are dog chew toys for heavy chewers and light chewers.

The animal in question determines the kind of toy to be used. However, these products serve many purposes. They provide to stimulate and relieve animals from stress or boredom. During teething in puppies, these products can be very helpful in relieving pain through gnawing. Gnawing activity causes the feel-good chemicals to be released from the brain hence relieving pain.

These products accomplish a very significant role in everyday lives of animals. The entertaining function they serve keeps animals happy and healthy. Not only does the gnawing on a toy bring entertainment, but it also keeps the creature busy. This eliminates anxiety and promotes relaxation. The use of these items is also a great way of keeping animals from chewing other valuable articles in their vicinity. Animals also develop healthy teeth in the end.

There are several types of chew products currently in use. The major types are mineral, wood, paper, and rawhide among others. Rawhide products are made from animal skin. They are most suitable for dogs, although they can be used on any animal except herbivores. Rawhide products cannot be used on herbivores because their digestive system is not meant to digest skin. Small animals and birds take a very long time before they can damage rawhide items.

Wood toys get manufactured from non-poisonous, soft wood and are painted or coated with vegetable-based paints or dyes. They are painted brightly and substitute wood found in the wild by birds and small rodents. They keep teeth trimmed down, hence avoiding hardship resulting from chewing problems. The number of trips made to a veterinary for teeth clipping is also reduced.

The paper used in making paper chew toys is non-toxic and not bleached. In comparison to other kinds, paper items are cheaper and could be obtained at no cost. They only last shortly because of the delicate nature of paper. Small breeds of animals find them the best. Looking at the name, mineral products are manufactured from minerals that are safe for animals. The different tastes and scents in them in obtained by incorporating various flavors.

The size and shape of mineral products are diverse. Those meant for birds are shaped like blocks while those used on rabbits are ice-cream-shaped. Sometimes they may have the shape of a bowl with fluffy minerals placed inside the bowl. They are common in bird cages for keeping nails and beaks trimmed down and healthy.

Finally, rubber products have varying designs, shapes, and sizes. Hollow designs with treats inside are very common designs. The dog is required to work its way into the rubber to reach the treats. As the dog works, it is kept busy and free of boredom.

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