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samedi 30 mai 2015

How To Keep Ragdoll Kittens North Carolina Healthy And Happy

By Ericka Marsh

Cats can add a lot of love and laughter to any home. If you are considering adding ragdoll kittens North Carolina or other cats to your home here are some tricks and tips that you can use to make the process safe and enjoyable for everyone including your new kitten.

Healthy pets are often easier to handle and manage than ill ones. Reputable North Carolina breeders will have provided proper veterinary care to their breeding animals on a consistent basis. Why is this important? Healthy parents have antibodies in their system that can help keep kittens from getting sick. If the cats are dewormed on a regular basis, the babies are less likely to have parasites that can drain their energy and endanger their health.

Of course, introducing the healthiest feline in the world to a dangerous environment can still end badly. Remember that all cats like to explore. They can climb extremely well and will often like to taste the plants and items around them. Some plants will not cause problems but some can be very toxic to felines. There are lists online that state which can make your new feline friend ill. Just look for ones that show pictures of the plants so that you do not make mistakes in identifying them.

Basic care items are important to introduce a new cat. Make sure you have a litter box. Put it where the cat wants to be and make sure that it is a style that the feline likes to use. You may need to try several models before you find one that works. Also look at getting bowls for feeding and for water. Another thing that is good to have is a brush.

It can be even more of a challenge to add a new feline to a home where there is an existing cat. Some will not get along and others will need time to warm up to one another. If you introduce them slowly and gradually, in a controlled area, you may find that the process goes more smoothly. Try allowing them to introduce themselves through a door or gate that will keep them from being able to hurt each other.

Toys can be a great way to exercise any feline and keep them mentally stimulated. There are many different toys on the market. You may want to try a few different types and find out which ones your feline prefers. The best toys are ones that allow you to interact with your cat. This will help build attachment between you and your cat as well as providing the exercise that they need.

Food is important but it is often overlooked. You might be tempted to simply grab some food and not pay attention to the brand or kind that it is. This can be a mistake. Proper feeding is one of the easiest ways to keep your pet happy and healthy. Just remember to read labels and choose a food that is age appropriate.

It doesn't have to be overwhelming to add a new kitten or cat to your home. By following simple steps and getting a few basic items before you bring your new cat home you may be amazed at how enjoyable the process can be.

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