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vendredi 15 mai 2015

Advises When Looking For Professional Dog Walker Salt Lake City People Should Always Adhere To

By Tammie Caldwell

Dog walkers do much more than just take the dogs for a walk when the owner is away. A good pet sitter will also spend some quality time with your pet, give him exercise and can even tell when they need veterinary attention. What is more, most pet walkers offer additional services like watering plants and even collecting letters. However, just because one calls himself a dog walker does not mean that he is qualified to do the job. In the quest to find a good professional dog walker Salt Lake City inhabitants will need to adhere the following guidelines for good choices.

If this is your first time to look for a pet sitter, you may find it necessary to ask for referrals. Amongst your neighbors, friends and other pet owners, you cannot fail to find someone who has a referral to a good pet sitter. Apart from friends and neighbors, you can also ask around dog parks or even see if your vet has someone in mind who he/she can recommend.

Before you settle on any candidate, you should also invite them to meet your animal. One of the most important factors when choosing a sitter is whether or not your animal will be comfortable with him. Before you let the person start handling your pet, you need to introduce him to the pet and see how they get along. Many dogs tend to shy away when introduced to a new face, as such; you should not expect immediate chemistry.

Walking cost is another important factor that you cannot afford to ignore. Each pet sitting business usually set its own rates, which may vary from one business to the other. Because of this, it is advisable that you compare quotes from at least three sitters before making a choice. This way, you will be able to choose someone whose rates are fair enough.

You also need to ask your potential walker about his training background. The person you choose should have some professional experience working with dogs and not just someone who wants to make extra money. An ideal walker would be someone with at least five years of active practice in walking dogs.

You must also verify that your potential sitter is insured before letting him/her into your premise. You want to be sure that should anything go wrong in the process, you will be compensated. This will only be possible if your sitter has liability insurance cover.

If you want a smooth relationship with your pet walker, you should also have a written contract with him. Moat professional pet walkers and those who are serious about what they do will always ask you to sign contract. As such, you need to be very wary of walkers who are against signing contracts.

You should also not give up if your first candidate does not pan out well. You need to keep on researching and interviewing candidates until you find the best one. Remember that your pet needs to be safe, comfortable and relaxed during its walks.

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