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lundi 1 décembre 2014

What You Might Not Know About Raising Swine

By Lianne Derocco

Raising swine is a huge industry in our country with more than 50 million hogs raised for consumption each year. Swine farming is not easy, but many people love being a part of this long-standing industry. Here are a few facts about pork production and swine management that you might not know.

There are hog farms all over the world and throughout the United States, but most of these American farms are located in the center of the country, especially in states like Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin and Iowa. In the latter state, hogs actually outnumber people by quite a margin.

In the United States, pork is second only to beef as a meat choice. However, pork is the most commonly consumed meat in the world overall. In our country, most pork is eaten as ham, followed by sausage and bacon. Every market hog in the United States provides enough edible meat to provide one serving of pork each day for a whole year.

You might be surprised to note that hogs are not only slaughtered for their meat, but also certain by products, which are used in a number of ways. Products from swine are used in the production of many medicines, including steroids and epinephrine. These hogs are also utilized when products such as floor wax, linoleum, cement, chalk, crayons and much more.

Dealing with health concerns and waste are two of the top priorities at hog farms. Hog farmers can keep diseases at bay by managing their hog populations properly, restricting human access to farms and managing waste properly. Hog waste can be very toxic to both swine and humans, so it important to use products that will prevent crusting, reduce odors and improve the nutrient value of the manure. It is also a good idea to use products that are natural and contain no harsh chemicals.

If you currently are searching for swine waste management products, consider the natural and safe ActivatorPlus and AgraSphere products. Both use safe strains of microbes to liquefy that top crust, as well as reduce odors and even improve the nutrient value of your manure so that it can be used for an excellent fertilizer. There are products specially designed for lagoons and also for deep pit systems, and both serve as solutions for agricultural waste issues. AgraSpheres are a maintenance product that should be used throughout the year to prevent any problems from happening, while the ActivatorPlus should be used to eliminate tough top crusting or foaming. A few applications of ActivatorPlus should liquefy crusting and get your lagoon or pit back to a healthier state.

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