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samedi 20 décembre 2014

Enjoy The Benefits Of Owning TICA Registered Ragdoll Kittens

By Stacey Burt

The largest cat registry worldwide is The International Cat Association. Also known as TICA, having a cat that is registered with this organization is the dream of many cat fanciers. For those seeking the lovable Ragdoll, securing a kitten whose ancestors are part of the genetic record is a prestigious and committed decision.

These are a popular breed of cats. Families with children and pets look for TICA registered Ragdoll kittens because of their adaptability. The large, soft kitties calmly play with kids and dogs. Learning what might be currently available for purchase can be easily accomplished at an online website. The established catteries post histories of their accomplished award winners and photo galleries of available new kittens. They seek to maintain highest standards for breeding and educating families about how to care for the precious Rags.

They get their name from their tendency to flop, much like a soft doll, over the arms of their owner while carried. Children are known to carry a floppy pet from room to room, or to play dress up with these lovable pets. Flopped over arms during all kinds of play times, calmness and acceptance are part of their nature.

Very much like soft rabbits, Rags have fluffy coats that do not need much care. They should have their undersides brushed regularly to avoid matting, but they actually only shed twice a year.

There are three kinds of Ragdoll kittens. The mitted variety has white front paws. The colorpoint has the classic colored ears, mask, paws and tails of this famous Siamese. Bicolor Rags have areas of white in larger amounts on their legs, stomachs and backs, including a distinct V inverted on their faces. Avoiding buying from anyone who claims to have a newly developed or rare color is best. There are only three classic colorings recognized by the standard registry associations. Variations are generally considered to be inferior and are not accepted.

Dolls will grow up to be very large and floppy rags, indeed. Males will be almost twenty pounds in many cases, and females can be as large as fifteen. While other breeds would be overweight if allowed to grow this large, this breed has long legs and bodies that accommodate their greater weight with grace.

The rounder faces and clear blue eyes give them an intelligent, pleasing appearance. Breeders keep them healthy by providing excellent veterinarian care, high quality food, genetic strengths testing and lots of love. Socialization with humans is encouraged by allowing the cats to roam freely within the cattery home. Participation in shows ensures excellence, while never caging their animals as they grow allows them to be more loving. Breeders work hard to ensure that their kittens do not have feline diseases and are up to date on their vaccinations.

Purchase a Ragdoll and they will enhance a home with children and pets. These loving cats are wonderful for play and companionship. Knowing that they come from good breeders is a plus.

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