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samedi 20 décembre 2014

Overview Of TICA Ragdoll Breeders

By Stacey Burt

There are many subspecies for wild animals, wild plant varieties, race for pets and cultivars for "selected" plant by man. These terms are based on geographical criteria (subspecies of wolf, local breeds of domestic animals), morphological resemblance of ecological specialization (wildlife) or uses for domestic animals (TICA ragdoll breeders). Excluding domestic species, biologists today so very little use the term race for subdivisions of lower level than the species. The concept of race is mainly used for pets, for which it is the counterpart of concept of subspecies in wildlife. Among the species existing in wild and domesticated.

Taxa to rank of race do not have scientific names internationaux1 their taxonomic division is usually based on subjective criteria and practices (especially used for the commercial designation). These variations are generally very low for selected races to ensure a certain standard, which is required for example special services to satisfy optimally a purpose of use. Against by the variability can be very large between geographic races.

A 2006 Decree on the identification and genetic improvement of animals, in its section on "management of animal genetic resources", defines race as an "agreement" between herders ("race: a set of animals has enough in common to be considered homogeneous by one or more groups of farmers who agree on the organization of renewal of breeders and induced trade, including at international level. "

For natural species, subspecies or terms population (divergence and the group considered) are used. The use of biological criteria claiming define different human "races" within human species raises ethical questions and the subject of much controversy. This topic will not be developed here, but in article "human race".

It is the interaction of genotype and environment that determines the phenotype. In some simple cases, genes are expressed in a visible, such as peas studied by Mendel, which can be smooth or wrinkled, or fruit flies (flies studied by Morgan, Nobel Prize in 1933), whose eyes may be red or white, as a specific gene. In both cases, so we can clearly define races (the term variety is more frequent use in case of plants)

These subdivisions are quite risky and complex; it is not uncommon to see them challenged on the basis of greater or lesser importance given to a discriminating character. In addition, the interfertility for cross breeding between the two subspecies, the choice to classify an individual in a particular group can be completely arbitrary.

A breeding race is determined in several ways: It can describe the population of domestic species of a region that has a certain homogeneity; It can be defined primarily by a standard, that is to say a set of criteria that define the ideal individual. These criteria are often limited to shape, size and color for pets and ornament. To this is added in some cases special skills, such as attitudes to herd some sheep dog breeds.

For example, in France alone and in 100 years, the number of livestock breeds has increased from several hundred to a dozen in 2000s and when an "animal race" exists, the fact remains that some individuals, that is to say, the diversity of its genetic heritage has greatly impoverished, undermining the ecological resilience of agro-systems and may render the adaptation of farming difficult to climate change and diseases.

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