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lundi 15 décembre 2014

Basic Facts About French Bulldogs

By Lucia Weeks

Whoever says that raising a pet is easy may not have done it themselves. It is always a challenge for homeowners to raise one on top of all the responsibilities that they have at home and at work. But those who manage to do so have seen the benefits of keeping these sweet animals at your side. Not only do they repay your kindness with love and affection. They also show their loyalty to you.

This is also the reason why aspiring and veteran pet owners should take time to consult with the breeders as to the dos and donts in raising a specific type. Among the special types of dogs are the French Bulldogs Oregon. They are small, friendly and sociable, making them a favorite. Should you decide to get one for yourself, keep in mind the following.

This breed is friendly. And as such, they always want to play. Unless you are willing to spend time hanging out with them, you may have to choose anther breed. Frenchies value affection so it is important that you show them how you care. Do not worry if you already have some dogs at home. This breed is fine with other types so it should be fine.

Once you begin raising them, expect this type to follow you wherever you go. Just let them be. It is part of their nature. If you have time, you can play with them. Otherwise, you can just let them roam around. They will just be fine. But of course, you should find some other time to play with them.

It is important to remember though that these dogs are not good in dealing with heat. They are prone to heat exhaustion. So be sure not to place them outside your house on a hot day. It is generally recommended to have them stay in an air conditioned area during hot season.

Third, understand their need for regular morning walks. Walks will serve as their exercise to maintain their proper weight. Other than that, they are good to go. Also, it is recommended to do the activity in the morning where the heat is not yet too strong for them to handle. Frenchies are intelligent. They can learn tricks. If you want, you can spend time training them on this area.

Fourth, they are compatible with children. If you worry about fights breaking out between your kids and dog, then fret not. This breed gets along well with children and are even willing to play with them. As parent though, it us advisable to still be watchful as they play and place them away from sharp objects.

But along with all the good things about this dog type, you have to be mindful about its health. This group is known to be associated with various health conditions like heart defects and breathing difficulties especially when overweight. To ensure that you keep them on their best shape, talk to a professional breeder for suggestions on the things you need to do in case the first signs of health problems show.

Be a responsible pet owner by making sure you raise them well. Ask breeders and other friends who might be raising the same type for suggestions and recommendations. Be ready fo the responsibility.

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