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jeudi 18 décembre 2014

Dogs: A Few Notable Facts About Man's Best Friend

By Garrett McMahan

Dogs are curious creatures, loyal and full of love for their human companions. While you probably already know quite about your canine pal, here are a few tidbits of dog trivia about which you might be uninformed.

The love for dogs by Americans is a fact. The world over, the United States is even known to have the largest population of domesticated dogs. As many as one million dogs are even named as beneficiaries in their owner's will, and this is strong manifestation of the dog and human bond.

For several years, there is a myth circulating that dogs see only in the colors black and white. Scientists meanwhile have found out that dogs actually see in colors to some extent. The human eyes have three cones and dogs only have two. This can mean then that they see colors like blue and yellow, but for the other colors, they may not be able to distinguish these. Your dogs may not be able to see the rainbow colors that you see, but they can beat people in the dark because dogs can see better at night.

Dogs meanwhile have better sense of hearing compared to humans, and this we know. Humans may not be able to hear some sound frequencies that dogs are capable of hearing. Dogs, when they are born, they are functionally deaf because their ear canals are closed, and it is interesting to note this thing. They develop this sense of hearing and also able to see after a weeks from birth however.

The dogs may not be able to speak our language, but they can understand commands made by their owners, whether these are verbal commands or just gestures. The fact also is that they can learn even more than 200 gestures and verbal commands made by their owners. For people who want to train their dogs, they may also think that their dogs are not capable of doing obedience training. It is however depending on the approach that you do in this training. If you wonder if you can do this, the obedience training that you do can be easier if you use The Dog's Way dog training videos.

This set of dog training DVDs provides owners with a dozen easy lessons that will help you not only better understand your pet, but also teach him or her a wide variety of important skills, such as dog leash training. You also can train a dog to come when called and not run away from you, as well as to obey commands such as sit, stay, lay down and much more. Another interesting fact to keep in mind - studies show that well-trained, obedient dogs tend to live longer lives. At any rate, you definitely will enjoy your dog all the more if he or she is a happy, safe and obedient companion.

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