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dimanche 14 décembre 2014

Knowing The Choices For Dog Cone Alternative

By Lucia Weeks

Once in the life of your pet, they will get to encounter various conditions and accidents. It would be good if they are only suffering from simple injuries. But if it is something that would require an operation, you have to ensure that they would not make things worst by scratching or biting it. But since you could not monitor them all the time to stop them, you have to make use of aids.

One of the best device that you can use is the e collar or better known as dog cones. These are for pets who have undergone procedures. And to allow for the wound to heal, you have to restrict them from meddling with it. It is very effective, until such time that they have discovered how to get rid of it. In these cases, you would have to pick among the dog cone alternative choices available.

One alternative that you can utilize is a blow up pillow. This is the type of cushion that you can wrap around their necks without worrying if they would be uncomfortable or not because it is naturally soft. However if you are dealing with a bigger canine with injuries, the pillow will only stay for a few seconds. They could easily shake it off and get rid of it.

There is also another option known as BiteNot collars. These are neck braces that would prevent your canines from biting any wound that they have. It is effective. But if the wound is on the upper area of the body, they can still reach it through their hind feet. This is also the same when the wound is on their faces.

There are others who are too practical and creative that they are utilizing old tee shirts to cover the wounded area. You can fasten it around the body by tying the loose part to make it secured and tight. This is applicable for almost healed wounds. And for those that are located in the limbs, your old sock will do.

If you have no idea when a cone would not be the perfect choice, you have to know the warning signs so that you can avoid huge damage. Overly active dogs are not the ideal ones for a cone. They have the capacity to go wild and run around too much that they can instantly ruin the e collars. Usually it would fall off and if you have no idea, the wound could worsen a lot.

For bigger canines, it is not good to even let them try to wear it. There is a chance that it could work. But there is also a bigger percentage that it would not take effect. Since they can easily maneuver their way out of things, getting rid of the cones would not be any different.

You should assume that they would not like the cones the first time they will try it. But there are certain canines whose characteristics are too extreme and they tend to behave badly when this is put on them. Some of them would try to use the cones as their weapon to break things in the house and wreak havoc.

They can be violent on other things. But there will be times when they can be violent with you using the cone that they are wearing. And it can really hurt you and them. It is like their way of saying they do not agree with what they are wearing at the moment.

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