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mardi 9 décembre 2014

Effective E Collar Alternatives You Can Choose From

By Claudine Hodges

When your pets are injured and it has to go under surgery and several stitches, it is important that they do not try anything such as licking or biting the wound until it is fully healed. But your pet does not have the thinking and the control of humans that is why tinkering with the lesion is a very common thing. As an owner it is your responsibility to stop this using Elizabethan collars.

Since your pets do not the capacity to control them selves, you have to do it for them. By putting an e collar around their necks, scratching or biting the hurting part can be avoided. And it would heal faster. But if this does not seem to work, you can always go for other options such as e collar alternatives.

There are situations when these highly effective collars are not so effective. One of the said situation is when they take advantage of the plastic nature of the cone to break certain things. This is usually a sign that they are not comfortable with wearing a cone around their necks. This could also mean that the wound is getting itchy and they are frustrated about it.

If they do not try to break things, they can always try to persuade you by ramming your knees head on. But since they are wearing the cone, it would really hurt. This can be seen as a message that they are trying to give you. And if they are disturbed this much, it is important to take into consideration their comfort.

There are also dogs that are hyper active especially if they are starting to feel the itch and the pain. In these situations, you can expect to see them jumping around, and you know that this is not helping with the healing process. And there are others who would do several full body rolls to get rid of the pain. If they are this restless, it would be best to consider an alternative.

For the ones who own bigger dogs who would react to new things and pain in a violent way, you have to be prepared. If you are going to proceed with the e collar, you have to make sure that you have spares. This is because it would be easy for them to break it if they are really motivated to do so.

One of the best alternative to use is a neck brace known as BiteNot collars. These would look like braces if they are on humans. But if your dogs have lesions on the frontal part of their bodies, this is not something that could work. Yes, they could not bite, but they can still scratch it.

For owners who want to assure that their pets are comfortable with their cones, you can opt for the soft and pillow like blow ups. This has the same appearance as the pillows that you will use during flights. However, if you have bigger dogs, this is an alternative that would not last too long.

There are owners who opt for used shirts and socks. If the lesion is in an area in the body, you can cover it up with a tee shirt. This way, it would not be too bulky. If the cuts or the surgery was performed in the leg part, you can make use of worn out socks, just cut the bottom part to make a hole so that you can let their foot through.

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