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lundi 15 décembre 2014

The Facts Of Puppy Training

By Lucia Weeks

A lot of people are proud pet owners. They may have a cat, dog or other animal, but most find it rewarding to have companionship with an animal. Dogs have been given the title of a best friend and are a common pet choice for people. These animals become like family to their owners. People who get a dog while it is still young and in its puppy stages may pay for puppy training services. This is available through many professionals around the globe.

A lot of training courses are available. The basic types help the animals understand and follow the simplest of commands, including sit, come and stay. They may also teach them basic manners, such as loose-leash walking and socializing with others. Sometimes courses include house or potty training. The lessons are important because they help build a foundation so that the animal becomes a well-behaved dog.

Most of these puppy courses are reserved for dogs as young as 10 weeks or as old as five months. It is essential to find trainers who have been certified and accredited to perform these services on a professional level. The skill of the trainer may have a big impact on the success of these lessons. The approach that is taken may differ by trainer, lessons, dog breed and other factors.

Researching dog training providers is recommended. Compare ratings and reviews, available services and costs. This can make it easier to decide on the best business who provides quality services at prices that are affordable. The duration of these courses will differ by situation.

The dogs will not be the only ones learning new things through this process. In fact, the pet owners will be given a lot of instruction and information as well. Owners should follow all directions given by trainers. This helps ensure that their dog continues the learning process outside of its classes. Animals will be taught new things from the trainers, but it is the job of the owner to reinforce these things to help the dog gain understanding. Treats are helpful and usually given as a reward to dogs who follow commands.

Training puppies is beneficial in a lot of ways. It is often easier to teach a dog new things while it is still in a young, developmental age. Dogs can be taught early on that it is not ok to use the restroom indoors, bite or be aggressive toward her people, and more. A well-behaved dog is ideal for most pet owners, especially those who have indoor pets.

Owners should do their part too. It is recommended that they learn as much about the breed of their dog as possible. Knowing and understanding breed traits and potential behavior problems can be helpful. Numerous resources, online and offline, can provide owners with tricks and tips related to dog training, even information specific to certain breeds.

Constant reinforcement is encouraged when it comes to this process. Understanding and patience are also necessities. The amount of time it takes for a dog to catch may vary, as some breeds are more intelligent than others. Still, most of these animals can be trained with aid from professional trainers and their owners.

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