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samedi 6 décembre 2014

Choosing To Make Toy Australian Shepherds As Pets

By Claudine Hodges

One of the joys that pet lovers want to experience is having a new addition in their family. There are various dog breeds that you can choose from. But you have to ensure that you will be choosing the one that would fit your personality as well. In choosing, you also evaluate some of the requirements that the canine needs to ensure that they will grow healthy.

There are people who would recommend the famous Australian shepherd. Others would not like it because they can grow several inches taller. And if you have a small space, they might not fit. That is why there is the option of having toy Australian shepherds if you really desire this particular breed. The name was derived from the fact that they are excellent herders.

In New Hampshire, particularly in Antrim, you will find that most of their pets of of this breed. This is because they need a good dog which can take command of the herd and always keep them in line. To some degree, it will give the owner the sense of convenience as you do not have to do everything yourself anymore.

If you are thinking that this breed is only for herding, there are certain families that can prove you wrong. You can observe that there are some shepherds already in urban areas. If you feel that you will be in synch with this canine, you have to see to it that you can provide its needs as well. One of this would be the hours of physical activity that you have to do with them.

If you are staying in an apartment, you have to make sure that it has a bigger space. Even if it is just a miniature sized shepherd, they still have a lot of energy that needs to be diverted to more productive activities. It would be better if you have a yard or space where they can play.

If you are going to choose this type of breed, you have to make sure that you make time for their exercise. The minimum would be one hour at least everyday. If this is not something that you can provide, they are bound to do something else. And these activities are things that you might not agree to.

If you are planning on letting them enter sports competition, they are the perfect breed for it. They are highly athletic and can easily perform some of the hardest routines in the competition. The daily practice would keep them stimulated and well exercised.

They are not really inclined to the idea of having strangers around the house. Since they are domineering, they can also be overprotective. This allows them to sense danger immediately. And if there is something wrong, you can notice instantly because they tend to bark non stop.

If you want them to not bark up the first person who knocks on the door too much, you have to make it a point to take them out as much as you can. This is especially done when they are still pups. So that they would get use to the surroundings especially if you are living in urban areas.

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