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jeudi 11 décembre 2014

Swine Lagoon Waste Systems

By Lianne Derocco

Hog farms obviously need some mechanism for dealing with animal waste and oftentimes that is in the form of an anaerobic lagoon. Also known as a manure lagoon, this man-made basin is where animals waste is collected and treated.

Lagoons require very large land spaces to ensure not only that you have the proper and require distances between the lagoon and other buildings, but also because larger lagoons tend to have fewer environmental problems. It is also important that you build a lagoon that is eight feet deep or even deeper, as this improves digestion and decreases problems caused by excess surface oxygen.

Lagoons have the benefit of being fairly easy to build and relatively inexpensive to maintain, however they do pose health hazards to your workers, your animals and the surrounding community if they are not maintained properly. These include the emission of highly toxic fumes such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and methane gas. You must also ensure that no waste escapes from your lagoon, either spilling over the top or seeping out through leaks in the depths of the lagoon. This can spread pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli, which can be deadly. In addition it is wise to limit access to the lagoon in general.

Lagoons have two different layers, the sludge layer and the liquid layer. The sludge contains the heavy sediment from the manure, while liquid contains a variety of particulates. It is important to ensure that there is proper aeration at the surface as this will keep a crust from forming.

If you are searching for natural solutions for lagoon maintenance, consider using the AgraSphereLGT. Each pack of this product contains six spheres which together will treat 400,000 gallons of lagoon waste. The spheres are biodegradable and do not require any mixing, and also are chemical-free. You should place the majority, about two-thirds, of these specially formulated spheres into areas with higher sludge concentrations. The product speeds up liquefaction, reduces flies, reduces odors and improves the nutrient quality in manure.

Lagoons can be prone to crusting at the top levels, so when this occurs, it needs to be treated quickly. ActivatorPlusLGT is a product similar to the AgraSpheres, but specifically created to reduce that crust. Microbial isolates are concentrated in the ActivatorPlusLGT and these microbes eat away of the crust, inoculating and balancing your lagoon. When you first notice a problem, scatter ActivatorPlus on the top of the lagoon, keeping the surface moist for a few days. When 30 days have passed, retreat the lagoon. After that, you should only need to treat with the AgraSpheres and an occasional prevention treatment of ActivatorPlus.

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