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lundi 15 décembre 2014

Why Old English Bulldogs Ceased To Exist

By Lucia Weeks

If you are confused with what breed you want to purchase and have as a pet, you have to take a look at your preference and evaluate yourself. Each canine has a distinct feature and personality. It would be better to know what you need from a companion and what you are expecting them to do before you can decide. If you are looking for something that has an affectionate disposition, you can go for bulldogs. There are a lot of people who would recommend this breed.

Before, these are the type of canines that were feared by many. Old English Bulldogs are bigger than what they are today. It is hard to believe that they came from such a great lineage because there are no proofs or pictures to prove this. But this is the reality.

The body structure of the traditional bulldog is larger compared to what you can now see today. It is a pure breed. But the main purpose for having this type of canine in the olden days is to be a participant in a game. A particular kind of sport that involves holding down a very angry bull while it is being castrated.

This is an inhumane form of entertainment. And later on, people are starting to see it for the brutal event that it really is and it was then banned from ever happening again. And since there are no need for dogs that are large and athletic, they were cross bred with other types to make them smaller and more domesticated.

The process was administered to make them more tamed. And the ones that you see now are just a fragment of what they were before. Later, the pure breeds became obscure until they cease to exist.

Today, they are not known as canines for sports but they are very famous for the sweet temperament that they have. Aside from the fact that they are no longer pure breeds, there are still other things about the lineage that you have to know. And some of them are stated below.

A lot of people got it right when they thought that bulldogs have the potential to be mean. This is because this is the way they were raised before. And the mean streak that it has is being utilized by a lot of educational institutions as the mascots for their school teams. There are also establishments and products that has the face of the dog.

The breed is considered as one of the most famous among all the canines. Aside from this, it also a favorite among famous personalities as well. There is one president who have made the canine as his pet. And to correct wrong conceptions, Sir Winston Churchill did not have a bulldog. He had a pug which can be confused with the other sometimes but is really different.

People in Tulsa, Oklahoma who own this breed would say that they never want their pets to behave differently. There are also several individuals who would love to have and to see the original and ancestral version. But no matter what, it does not change the fact that it is still a great canine to have.

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