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vendredi 5 décembre 2014

Taking A Look At Aquarium Maintenance

By Claudine Hodges

The first aquariums were to metal frames in which the crystals were embedded, which reduced the vision of interior. Although the objects and animals more defendants to collect and admire were marine, saltwater aquariums had a lot slower than freshwater development, even being the first to be investigated (aquarium maintenance Dayton OH).

The biologist Abraham Trembley kept in large glass cylinders, a hydra that captured channels. The end was not aesthetic but scientist, as Trembley aimed to study the Hydra. Despite this achievement, science prompted little progress to reach the current aquarium. To Brunner (2005, p. 20) the first major step towards the modern tank brought it back collecting, but in this second stage would be the collecting of living things. During the first half of nineteenth century, Britain became fashionable collecting ferns, especially tropical.

Tank a planned installation. Successful require some preliminary study for its correct location as well as a forecast of content that will house, as it is necessary to know in advance the type of water, type of fauna and flora, decoration or soil. Similarly, they are indispensable a set of mechanisms and automatic systems with the ability and power to achieve the necessary conditions like temperature, adequate oxygenation or require light to maintain a healthy environment for fauna and flora, without thereby losing transparency and striking.

Between the two dates, the French zoologist Felix Dujardin said owning a saltwater aquarium. But it was the marine zoologist Anna Tynne which managed to maintain a marine tankwith corals for several years due to chance, water thanks to rainfall was renewed by window. A longevity as this was a unique achievement for its time and attracted the curiosity of other scientists.

All tasks and disbursements necessary to gain tankand keep not discourage fans discipline of biology, of advantages for their owners, even becoming an industry itself. They have proliferated professional aquariums in many countries, open to public, with millions or tens of millions of liters. They live fish, plants and even marine mammals, including beluga whales or orcas, and perform breeding programs and restocking of endangered species.

The Sumerians were known to keep fish in ponds, before consumption. Peter W. Scott indicates that also found descriptions of sacred fish Oxyrhynchus in ancient Egyptian art. To Hargrove and Hargrove the first archaeological evidence of ownership of fish in recreational vessels come from this civilization, the Sumerian.

By derivation, science or part of biology that studies the tank aquariology. Despite being coined in the nineteenth century, the term not collect the Royal Spanish Academy, although widely used in the literature, not only in instruction manuals and outreach, research like Peter Arte (1958) and carried him down title in the late 50s.

Authors like Peter Arte indicate that no evidence has particularly Chinese and oriental practices in general, but the author does not hesitate to say that should exist and were directed almost exclusively freshwater species. This practice lasted, somehow, in several countries in Asia, such as North Korea, so much so that Kang Chol-hwan and Chor-Hwan Kang (2002) highlighted what this hobby very common among children in Pyongyang, who came rivers to capture new copies.

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