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vendredi 6 mars 2015

What You Need To Know About Caring For Your New Mini Husky

By Leslie Ball

It can be fun and exciting to add a new puppy or a new dog to your family. A dog like a mini husky can really add a lot of energy and joy to any family. If you want to make sure that your puppy makes the best transition into a member of your family, here are some care tips that you can use. Then you can rest assured that your pet has the best start possible.

Many new dog owners make a key mistake. They don't learn about what a particular breed needs to be healthy and happy. For example, they do not realize that a miniature husky has many of the same personality traits as its' full-sized cousin. For example, while they may not need as much room to roam, a miniature dog of this breed will still need the ability to run. That can mean a lot of walks and running to keep these canines fit and happy.

An important first step is to look at the living space that your new dog will be occupying. If you can, make sure there is a fenced yard that your puppy or dog can roam in. Unlike full sized huskies, a miniature one may not need a six or seven foot fence but you do need to make sure that if your dog is being allowed outside that it cannot escape. Huskies of any size just love to run.

If you find that your new puppy seems anxious or upset, there is a good reason for this. Remember that everything about the dog's world has changed. He or she no longer has litter mates around them. They are getting to know you just like you are getting to know them. It can be helpful to have a product such as a pheromone product on hand. These help relax a new dog and may make the transition into your family easier and more stress-free.

You also need to remember that puppies experience everything with their mouths. They will also be teething and this means that they will be apt to chew anything they can get their teeth on. If you want to be successful at training them not to chew, make sure that you have toys that the dog can use to work out their chewing urges on. Then make sure you are watching them and are on hand to quickly correct any unwanted chewing sessions.

Another thing to think about is a crate. This can help keep your new dog from getting into things while you are not around to watch them. You should also choose bowls that the dog can eat or drink out of easily. Grooming tools can help you keep your dog looking its best as well.

Brushes are very important for looking after your dog's hair. While they do not have as much hair as some dogs, a miniature husky will still shed and can benefit from brushing. You may also want to make sure you get nail trimmers that will help keep your dog's nails short and healthy.

The last thing to remember is to relax and enjoy your new puppy. Often, there will be a stretch of time where the puppy may seem anxious or uncomfortable in its new home. By providing comfort, encouragement, and rewards for good behavior, you can help your pup grow into a wonderful and well-adjusted canine companion.

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