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lundi 16 mars 2015

Dealing With A Crazy Cat Lady

By Lena Stephenson

The majority of American people enjoy having a big dog around their house since these animals are great. Fortunately there is more than one crazy cat lady who will make sure that the felines are taken care of. A southern older woman had been around cats all of her life and she loved them more than anything else within the world.

She would often go to the local pet shelters around the city searching for new animals to take home. Sometimes the people in charge of these places would give her the critters which were available and this was good. Fortunately she also had the time to give each of her felines three names just in case she had a lapse in memory.

The critters were happy to be with this tender old person who really cared about the animals who had no place else to go. One day she decided to visit a pet store which was located within the local mall. This was a place which had all types of good looking critters who were looking for a home.

Once this elder woman entered into the pet store she could feel the hair standing on the back of her neck. She seemed to be very excited about this new adventure but did not like the sight of all of the cages. In a mad fit the senior grabbed the man working in this store by his arm. She scolded him for putting all of the lovely felines and the other critters in such cramped cages. He could not deal with this woman and was glad that she had requested to see his superior.

In a few moments an older gentleman came from the back room and he walked up to this feisty woman and greeted her with ease. She refused to take his hand and immediately yelled at him for keeping all of the critters in cages. The manager informed her that this was done in order to protect every customer from the animals who could become quite dangerous when annoyed.

The manager of this particular pet store was very surprised when he heard about the woman's complaint. This older female wanted him to free every animal from their cage. He could not comply with her request and this made the senior citizen even angrier. The cats who were held in this store gave her a tender look since they knew she would help gain their freedom.

As soon as his back was turned she started to unlock every cage around. It was total confusion at this once peaceful location and this was quite disturbing. The cute puppies and felines were now free to run around and cause all types of problems for the customers. Some of them even tried to run out of the store since the door was open. The senior woman smiled with delight at her actions and the manager did not like this at all. His employee was smart enough to contact law enforcement people.

Luckily the police quickly responded to this telephone call since they had an office within the shopping mall. Two of the young men in uniform grabbed the old female and escorted her out of this store. Unfortunately everyone working at this location had to clean up the mess which the animals made.

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