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dimanche 15 mars 2015

Some Information About Zuchon Teddy Bear Puppies

By Lena Stephenson

For those who would want to get a dog but has no experience in taking care of dogs, then the best bet would be a zuchon. Now these zuchon teddy bear puppies, as they are more know, are one of the best types of breeds for pretty much any owner to get. So if one is interested in getting himself one of these, then here are some of the things that he should take note of.

Of course the zuchons actually come from the mix of two other breeds known as the Bichon and the Shi Tzu. Now these little bundles of joy are actually nicknamed teddy bears simply because they look like teddy bears and they would often help the disabled children. These dogs are definitely a source of joy to any owner who would take care of one.

Now for those who want to know how they look like, basically zuchons are very hairy and very small. In fact, they do not grow that big even if they would become adults already. Also, they weigh from the range of five to sixteen pounds and would have very silky and smooth hair.

Another thing to know about this breed of dog is that they are hypoallergenic which simply means that their hair will not make anyone allergic at all. At the same time, their hair does not shed and is very smooth which means that the owner will have a very easy time grooming their dogs. Of course they would also love water which means that the owners will not have a problem with them bathing.

Now as for their disposition, these dogs are very calm and simple dogs that do not get excited very easily. They hardly bark as they prefer peace and do not enjoy any sort of conflict whatsoever. These dogs also very friendly and they get along very well with anyone who plays with them.

Of course their calm attitude also allows them to be open minded which means that they are very easy to teach. So if one would want a dog that can learn some new tricks very easily, then this dog will definitely be a great candidate. Of course these dogs are also very disciplined and can be disciplined easily by its owner.

Now overall, these dogs are actually very playful and love spending time with their owners. These puppies are also known to be very loyal and they are known to always stick by their owners. These types of canines are actually very much into snuggling up to their owners and will do whatever they can to please their owners.

Now if one is interested to buy one of these, then he can find a lot of them in the city Kent OH. Of course if one would even think about taking in this kind of dog, he has to prepare for taking a big responsibility. Of course the great thing about about these dogs is that they are not high maintenance but they just need a lot of love and affection from their owners so that they can stay happy and healthy throughout their entire lives.

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