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dimanche 15 mars 2015

Swine Waste Management: Options & Waste Systems

By Lianne Derocco

An important part of the job of hog farming operations is swine waste management as a good manure handling system must be included when you are running a pig farm operation. Your manure treatment options must be considered regardless of what size of farm or type of hog manure system you employ.

Generally very large hog farms will use what is known as an anaerobic lagoon for hog waste storage and treatment. These also are called waste lagoons or manure lagoons. Of course, there can be environmental risks posed by these lagoons. For one thing, gases such as ammonia and often methane can be released out into the environment, which can harm people and wildlife. There actually are some swine waste treatment options that can help reduce these toxins a bit.

Aside from the harmful toxins that enter the atmosphere or groundwater, lagoons also can be plagued with several other problems resulting from a lack of proper treatment. The goal is to liquefy the waste, and if the bottom of the lagoon contains too much sludge or a tough crust forms on the top of your lagoon waste, this can be a huge problem. Using natural swine waste management products can help reduce sludge and eliminate top level crusting.

A pit system is another type of hog waste containment system and you might hear this called a deep pit system. With this type of system, you can encounter the same issues when sludge and crusting as you might with a waste lagoon. Again, with strong hog waste management treatment, you can break down the sludge and crust and keep your waste in a liquid state.

One of your swine waste management options could be Agra Sphere or Lagoon Agra Sphere. Each of these spheres is biodegradable and is filled with a mix of bacteria that eat away at waste solids. The bacteria are completely natural and safe, adding no chemicals to your manure, which already contains a variety of toxins on its own. Not only will Agra Sphere reduce the crusting, sludge and foaming, it also can reduce odors and the amount of flies. In addition, the bacterial microbes in Agra Sphere also improve the nutrient value of your manure, improving its use as a fertilizer.

In general, farming involves many tasks and hog waste management is just one of them. Stock tanks provide water for the pigs or other livestock and providing food and plenty of clean water for your livestock is another issue. To keep stock tank water as fresh as possible, it is recommended that you use a safe, natural product such as the Healthy Ponds Stock Tank Water Cleaner as water can easily become contaminated. This product is known for its safety for all livestock as they are veterinarian-approved.

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