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jeudi 12 mars 2015

Information About Preventing And Treating Rattlesnake Bites Poway Residents Should Know

By Lena Stephenson

People who enjoy hiking and camping in the wilderness are most likely aware of the possibility that they will encounter a snake. The rattlesnake is one such type one may come across, and in spite of the their scary reputation as a poisonous viper, they usually avoid humans. Bites normally happen when someone tries to aggravate or move the snake. By following these tips for preventing and managing rattlesnake bites Poway CA outdoor enthusiasts can hopefully avoid this incident, and if it does occur, treat it effectively.

Always be able to clearly see where one is walking. This means sticking to the trails and staying out of areas dense in grassy underbrush, which are prime hideouts for these reptiles. If it's necessary to hike through tall grass, probing the ground with a long stick before stepping forward is advisable.

Not everyone is aware of the fact that snakes are able to slither up trees and hide amongst the branches, but since then can do this, one should be watchful when walking beneath foliage. Hollow logs, and crevasses between rocks are other favorite hangouts for snakes, so it's best to always investigate such spots with a flashlight before sticking one's hand inside.

Even once a snake is technically "dead" it retains some of its reflexes and can still bite someone. Poking at a seemingly dead snake is not advisable for this reason, nor should anyone disturb a sleeping snake since they can be easily roused from slumber and prompted to attack.

The snake is mostly a nocturnal creature, which means it is most active at night. It's best to set up one's campsite away from tall grass, rocky areas, or a large fallen log or tree branch, where snakes may hide. Tents should be tightly zipped up at night, and any boots should be kept inside it as to prevent an uninvited guest from coiling up inside them.

If a person does get bitten by a snake, he or she must try to stay calm, quickly perform first aid on the wound, and then seek medical assistance as soon as possible. The toxicity of the venom will need to be counteracted with a special serum known as "antivenin" which is made up of antibodies that are produced by introducing the venom into a horse's bloodstream.

First, wash the bite with soap and water to remove as much venom as possible, and keep the wound site below the heart to slow down the venom's flow. It can cause swelling, so remove jewelry as to not impair circulation. Next, the area should be tightly wrapped with a bandage about two to four inches above the bite. The suction device from a snake bite kit can eliminate up to 30 percent of the venom and may be left on for as long as ten minutes.

Do not make a cut above the wound to drain it, or suck the venom out with one's mouth. Ice should not be applied, since it can inhibit the effectiveness of a suction device. Getting upset emotionally increases one's heart rate, which actually promotes the venom's circulation throughout the body, so keeping still and calm is essential.

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