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jeudi 19 mars 2015

Why Do Cavachons Shed And How To Take Care Of Them

By Lelia Hall

People are considering various types of animals as pets. They can be cats, dogs, birds, mice, and hamsters, among others. The animals are offering comfort and companionship to sad and lonely owners. They could also be guarding their homes, especially dogs.

For this, dogs are wanted to be owned by most people. However, they are usually hesitant about some characteristics of several breeds. Questions like why do Cavachons shed and how these puppies should be taken care of are typically asked. With the help of the following pointers, their own questions can be answered.

These dogs are not pure breeds. They are the results of hybrids of two breeds namely the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Bichon Frise. These dogs typically have small sizes. They only weigh around eight to fifteen pounds for adult breeds with toy sizes while around fifteen to twenty two pounds for adults with standard sizes.

This puppy has a cute appearance. Its coat might have various colors. Some could be having a white coat with several apricot patches. Others could also be having black, light brown, or white ones. Its height could be ranging from twelve inches to thirteen and is suitable for an owner residing in an apartment.

Typically, they have wavy or curly coats. Their coats possess softness and smoothness. The coats grow long quickly, until about three to five inches. They usually do not shed a lot. However, they do shed during their early years to make way for their permanent coats. With this, they are usually hypoallergenic and will not illicit reactions from people who have dander allergies.

Calm and quiet temperaments are possessed by these puppies. Tolerability and gentleness are possessed, too. With the characteristics, these dogs can be left by the owners with the children or with their other pets. They have friendly personalities and like the companionship of human owners. They do not have a lot of energy but exercises should still be performed.

The individuals should make sure that they will take care of the coats of their pets. They will have to regularly brush their hairs so that they will not become matted and dirty. They will also need to trim these hairs from time to time. They can also set specific budgets that they can use to send these puppies to pet grooming centers. They should utilize safe shampoos whenever they will wash their dogs and properly dry them afterwards.

Superior intelligence is possessed by these dogs. For this, they should be trained by the owners as early as possible. This way, the things wanted by their masters can be understood by these dogs. They could be enrolled by the individuals to dog obedience training classes. If the pups are decided to be trained personally, consistency should be practiced during the trainings.

The individual should be playing with the puppy. They could be playing fetch or just walking around his property. He must be providing the animal with good food and also clean water. He must be respecting his pet. The pup typically develops an ear infection due to the hair inside its ears. For this situation, the individual should be sending it to a veterinarian.

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