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samedi 28 mars 2015

Dog Cone Collar And Other Veterinary Care

By Iva Cannon

Dogs are best friends of men. They are extremely protective to their owners and they are willing to risk their own lives for the sake of their best friend. In addition, they are very loyal and affectionate. Thus, it is a necessity to take good care of these animals love them unconditionally.

As part of loving them, owners have to make sure that their pets are given proper food and hygiene. Dogs are very active and it is very inevitable for them to get injuries. Hence, they need special veterinary care in emergency cases. If they undergo surgeries, especially on the head and neck, they need to wear dog cone collar.

The duty of care of owners towards their pets includes making them enjoy their years and be healthy and free. If they are chained, they will be stressed. Dogs have the tendency to get stressed which could lead to more serious illnesses or even death. They should be able to socialize with their kind and their human families. Otherwise, they will grow violent which is dangerous for people.

Dogs have different characteristics depending on their breed. Some breeds are naturally hyperactive, some are extremely friendly, and others are dangerously protective. There are also very smart breeds. But studies have shown that regardless of the type of dog, the upbringing and training of the owners will affect them psychologically. These are highly intelligent species capable of understanding and feeling abusive human behaviors.

They would fight for their survival so they always have the tendency to be vicious and dangerously violent. Pitbulls are one of the breeds that can fatally attack humans. Their gripping power is very strong and they will only let go once the victim is already dead. If you are careless, they can attack you without any consideration.

If they develop diseases because of some infections or old age, they have to be given directly with veterinary attention. They have to be given their right to be taken care of and to be protected. Neglectful owners can be put in prison if proven guilty. Many countries are now very particular with animal rights laws.

This is not only applicable to canines but also to cats and other animals, even those from the wild. Abusers can still be charged by the courts if they are proven to have breached the law. However, there are still many violators despite the fact that these laws are strictly administered by the government. These merciless people are actually disrupting biodiversity.

Your pets can save your life. They have very keen senses so they can sense dangers like fire. There are stories of dogs in real life who caught bullets for their owners. Some have risked their lives warning their owners from fire and leading them out of their burning house.

Real animal lovers will do beyond their responsibility to make sure that their pets are safe. The same way, your love for your pet will be reflected on it and it will love you back more than you could ever imagine. That is their magic.

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