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vendredi 26 septembre 2014

Why You Should Engage Your Pet In Puppy Training

By Elsa Noel

Of all the domesticated animals that humans coexist with, dogs are among the favorite of many. Some even take their affection to an entirely new level, treating dogs not only as pets, but more of kids that came from their own kind. For years, man and domesticated canines have done things together in perfect harmony.

Most dog lovers adopt puppies as soon as they are weaned and are able to eat, stand, and walk without the assistance of their mothers. This is due to the fact that effective dog training begins at the earliest stage possible. It is easier to teach them while young rather than when they are already old, which is why most owners enroll their pets in Puppy Training Kirkland.

Training your pooch is all about the application of behavior analysis by way of events in the environment. It is aimed to modify the behavior of a dog to make it adept in assisting in specific activities and particular tasks. It is also done to allow the pooch to become a very active participant in contemporary domestic life.

The most effective time to train your dog is when he is still a wee puppy. This is when he is easily taught to follow instructions, and receives all of them with positivity. Everything is regarded with curiosity, which makes them agreeable to what you may want them to do.

But, since puppies are very playful, they will have shorter attention spans. Keep each lesson short, up to five minutes maximum. Everything is a game for these little mutts, so keep them engaged by adding as much variety as you can.

It is also important for every owner to fully understand barking and whining, as these are natural aspects of the behavior of any dog, regardless of age and breed. To help dogs know when he is allowed to bark, owners can give out commands that let him know that it is okay to bark until he is told to stop. As for whining, experts believe that this can be destructive, so best ignore your dog when he does that, so that he knows this is not a good way to get what he wants.

Each session of training will also become much more easier if you are consistent in everything. Remember to be the pack leader at all times, and make the puppy understand that your rules are to be followed around the house. Keep a firm grip without making your pet feel unloved.

Early on, you should teach it not to just go on biting sprees. Dogs instinctively bite as part of defense mechanism, but you can always him master the said ability. The best way to do so is to allow him to play with other puppies, so give him that kind of exposure.

With the right kind of training, these tiny things will grow up to be good dogs. This will help you have a better relationship with your beloved pet without hurting each other. This also makes them good additions to your growing family.

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