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lundi 22 septembre 2014

Find The Ideal Dog With South African Boerboel Puppies For Sale

By Karina Frost

If you have a large property, it's a good idea to have a good watchdog to scare away intruders and to protect your family and your possessions. However, you need a dog that will also be a family friend and won't be a danger to your children. With the South African boerboel puppies for sale around the world, you have the perfect solution.

In South Africa, one of the meanings for 'boer' is 'farmer' and a boerboel is a farmer's dog. When Europeans came to this harsh land a couple of centuries ago, they needed dogs that could adapt to local conditions and that could also brave dangerous, large predators such as the hyena, the leopard and the lion. They therefore cross-bred their own large dogs with African breeds to create a strong, large dog that could defend the farm.

The boerboel is also called the South African mastiff and like mastiffs, this breed is huge and strongly built. It has a short coat that is usually fawn or red in color but can also be brown or brindled. Some dogs have black markings around the mouth. The skin is quite loose and the head is large, broad and muscular.

Because they were bred to be watchdogs, boerboels are very protective and loyal. They're also brave and intelligent. Their size makes them quite intimidating but they're actually very gentle with kids and smaller animals. However, you need to make it clear that you're the pack leader or they can become difficult to control.

A great bonus is that it's really easy to take care of a boerboel. The dogs have short hair and don't need much grooming. They're also renowned for how healthy they are. However, they need their space and require a large property. They are, after all, farm dogs.

Typical for working dogs, boerboels need lots of exercise. They love playing and will spend hours chasing a ball. You'll have to watch that they don't knock over your toddler but older kids will have endless fun playing with these canine friends. It's a good idea to take your dog for long walks too, preferably every day, so they can get rid of excess energy that could otherwise be used for destructive purposes.

As a South African breed, you'll find plenty of boerboel breeders in that country. However, there are breeders in countries such as the USA and the UK too. If you want a dog for show or breeding purposes, it's best to get a puppy from a registered breeder, which you can find through a breeders' association in your country. However, if you're simply looking for a pet or a watchdog, it's well worth adopting one of these gentle giants through a rescue organization.

One very important point to remember for any dog owner is that the animal needs to be trained. This is crucial if you have a large dog such as a boerboel because if it doesn't have any discipline, it can cause damage and even injuries simply because it doesn't know any better. It's best to start the dog's training when it's still a puppy but older dogs can be trained with success too, especially if you enlist the help of a professional dog trainer.

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