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samedi 6 septembre 2014

Tips To Not Be Called A Crazy Cat Lady

By Kerri Stout

Kittens are really adorable. Because they are adorable, a lot of individuals usually think of saving them when they are abandoned on the streets and taking them back home. However, not paying attention to how to save these kittens will end you up with a title of crazy cat lady. You better follow these tips so that you can rescue the kittens without garnering that title.

First, you should learn that rescuing cats is not a one-time deal. You have to know how to take responsibility of your actions. This is particularly true when you are talking about your finances. You have to know and set the limits of your finances so that you can take care of the cats. Otherwise, you will just let them suffer again.

If you have a cause that warrants the help of other people, then you have to think about how you can raise money as effectively as you can. When you are working with the cats, the money you raise is meant for your cause and not for yourself. You have nothing, no percentage, out of the money you have raised.

Rescuing the felines should not be done alone, especially if you do not want to feel burned out. It is better for you to stay in contact with other rescuers. When your load is already too much for you, then you can contact them for help. They should be able to support you in such situations. Of course, that means you have to offer your support when they need it too.

Even if you want to, learn to accept that you cannot save them all. Thus, you have to learn how to say no. However, saying no to a rescue does not mean that you end all your help there. You should keep a list of resources that you can use to refer others to a much better service if you cannot handle the work anymore.

Guilt-trip is common in this field but that does not mean that you have to fall for it. You better strengthen that resolve you have. Since you cannot rescue all kittens that are abandoned, you better try to do your best with what you can. Do not feel as if it is your fault that kittens get abandoned.

A veterinarian is someone who can help you heal your kittens when they are sick or injured. Thus, you have to find the veterinarians in your area and establish a working relationship with them. If you get to know them, you can take advantage of their expertise when you need it the most for the sake of your kittens.

Avoid naming the foster cats. Otherwise, you will end up getting more involved and attached to them. You are rescuing the cats and you are looking for foster homes for them. If you name them, then it will become difficult for you to hand over the cats to their new human companion.

Lastly, you should remember that you also have needs of your own. Do not get caught up in the needs of the cats that you forget your own self. The cats have their needs and so do you. You have to balance things out so that both you and the cats are happy with the lives you are living now.

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