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vendredi 26 septembre 2014

Jack Russell Breeders In California

By Karina Frost

If you are trying to find the perfect dog for your family, maybe you should consider this dog. Small enough for the smallest apartment, but full of energy and always ready to play, Jack Russel terrier might be the perfect choice for you. Find reliable Jack Russell breeders in California and check these adorable little puppies on their sites.

There are three recognized types of Jack Russell terriers, and one of them, called Parson Russell, or American type, is considered as separate breed, although it shares the same ancestors. Other two types, Irish and English type, belong to the same breed. All types are equally active, playful and funny, affectionate and intelligent.

Jack Russell terriers have to have at least fifty one percent of white hair, combined with brown, tan and black markings. Although there are some other variations, for example white with brindle markings, they are really rare. The hair is short and easy to groom. A good brushing will do. Show dogs require special attention and coat strip done by professional groomer.

These beautiful and playful, strong little dogs grow up to fifteen inches and weigh anywhere between fourteen and eighteen pounds. They can be prone to certain health problems, for example with their hip joints, or sometimes with their eyes and ears. Eye diseases are mostly inherited. There is also a possibility for mast cell tumors. Nevertheless, they are generally healthy and live at least fifteen years.

Hyperactive and fearless, terriers have very strong hunters instinct. They need daily exercise and long, brisk walks on regular basis. If you live in an apartment, it is advisable to take your dog for a walk at least twice a day. If you have a large yard, he will spend some of his enormous energy playing there, but walks are still needed. You should never leave him home alone without taking him for a walk right before this.

Russell is very smart, and can learn all sorts of things, including complicated tricks. Easy trainable and clever, he needs a strong leadership very early. You need to become his pack leader, if you don't want him to become yours. He is strong minded and you have to be consistent. You need to set the rules and establish some limitations. This way you won't have any problems with your dog.

If you don't train him early, your adorable puppy might become annoying barker, or even aggressive in some situations. When you want a strong character dog, you have to be prepared to spend some time in training him. This way you will have adorable and obedient dog, a real friend for life. Some people aren't ready for this, and they should choose some other breed.

This adorable small dog is just perfect for active individuals, but also makes really great family dog. Active and playful, he makes very good company for your children, but if you already have cats or some other pets, it is quite possible they won't become the best friends. Beautiful and interesting, easy trainable and affectionate, these dogs are really special.

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