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mardi 23 septembre 2014

Important Tips On Aquarium Maintenance Dayton

By Karina Frost

Time consuming and expensive problems are able to be prevented by spending some thirty minutes on maintaining aquariums every week. The most important factor for maintenance is the stability of the tank. As long as the fish are healthy and all things are running well, one will not need to do any major changes. This is even if the pH or water hardness is out of range. When considering aquarium maintenance Dayton residents should note increase or decrease of major parameters. These need more immediate attentions.

A key part of maintenance is the change of water. It should be done after every fortnight. It is the norm to change just about 10 to 15 percent of the volume of water. The extracted water gets replaced as one gets to vacuums the gravel. Uneaten foods and other residues that may have settled on the substrate will be gotten rid of in the process.

Parameters of replacement water need to be checked carefully. The element chlorine is mostly found in tap water. Such water also contains chloramines, and it thus tends to air out fast. Neutralization of chlorine in either case is achieved by using water conditioners. There however will still be ammonia in such water. Ammonia gets broken down by nitrifying bacteria that are always present within the tank.

Chlorine and chloramines are not the sole elements in tap water. Iron and phosphates are also contained in the water. Local water companies ought to be consulted in case one wants to know the exact elements in their tap water. Well water contains no chlorine but is harder. Even filtered water has to be checked since filter membranes could need changing before they expire.

It is not possible to see water chemistry which is why it should be checked often. This is made routine by checking tank chemistry during water change. Nitrites, nitrates and salinity are the parameters that are most important and thus should be checked. Stability is determined by pH and should be set at between 6.5 and 7.5. This value may however change depending on fish species.

Proper filter function is essential. Filter inserts need to get changed every month. This period may however be shorter with high fish loads. Particles that are trapped tend to decompose in filters just as they would in the tank. Filters should be cleaned once monthly while taking care not to touch the bio-wheels if they are present. They are cleaned using water extracted from the tank when changing it.

Daily maintenance includes making sure equipment is running well and ensuring fish is watched during feeding. Any changes in behavior are a good indicator of potential problems. Fish should be counted on a weekly basis. The death of fish is likely to lead to increase in nitrate levels.

Expiration dates of various kits are very important. This needs to be checked to ensure there is no use of expired kits. These will tend to give false readings.

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