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mercredi 3 septembre 2014

3 Reasons Why A Staten Island Pediatrician Can Recommend Pets

By Rebecca Mills

When you were growing up, did you have a pet you loved unconditionally? It didn't matter if it was a dog, cat, bird, or what have you; pets can be some of the most loving additions to any family and I am sure that any Staten Island pediatrician can see why. Not only is a pet able to serve as something of a companion but there are many other benefits associated with pets. In order to better understand what pets can do for any family, here are 3 strong benefits to consider.

Depending on the type of pet that you get, chances are that you will be able to gain some exercise. For example, it's recommended that you walk your dog in a regular basis; what's defined as "regular" hinges on the breed and size of your dog. Regardless, the ability to walk your dog will not only be able to keep your dog fit but it will also allow you to get outside and earn a bit of exercise for yourself. It's very possible, then, to stay healthy because of your pet.

For those who aren't the best when it comes to social interaction, pets can help to alleviate some of that pressure. GPM Pediatrics, as well as other medical authorities, will tell you that pets can offer quite a bit of comfort to those who are uneasy in public scenarios, no matter how old they are. However, it seems like children have more difficulty conversing with others, which is yet another reason why a Staten Island pediatrician might recommend a pet. In terms of interaction, pets can do wonders.

Heart-healthiness is another crucial aspect of life and it is one that pets can have a hand in. It seems like pet owners seem to suffer less from cholesterol, since the level of said component is typically lower amongst pet owners in relation to those who do not own pets. High blood pressure is yet another instance that is not nearly as prevalent when it comes to pets. As you can see, the ability to stay healthy is made easier if there is an animal companion by your side.

With these points in mind, it's clear that pets can offer quite a bit to just about any household. You may ask the question, "Which pet is best for me?" This is entirely dependent on what you prefer, whether you are someone who doesn't feel like they can offer tremendous care or would like to offer as much care as humanly possible. Provided allergies and the like do not prove to be issues, the addition of a pet can add something special to an existing family structure.

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