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samedi 23 août 2014

Information Worth Knowing About Australian Labradoodles

By Deanne Shepard

Labradoodle is a crossbreed between standard poodles and Labrador retrievers. The term labradoodle was originally used in 1955, although 1989 was when first purposeful breeding took place. The source f the name is that first breeding happened in Australia. The breeding project was managed by Wally Conron. Late 80s is when the term gained more use after the species started being used widely as an allergen-free guide dog.

Current breeder organizations and fanciers do not consider the dog as a breed and not all of them are hypoallergenic. However, that is a quality that many people look for in the dog. Since strictly speaking no dog is totally hypoallergenic, the term is applied loosely in most contexts. Breeding is mostly done between the original breeds although some breeders use Australian labradoodles for breeding in an attempt to create a new breed.

Labradoodles have never been known to hunt even though both original parents are good hunting dogs. Their main purpose was to work as service dogs. Infact the crossbreeding began after a request was made by a certain disabled woman. Like Labrador Retrievers, they learn fast and are easy to train. They also shed the coat slowly and experience low hypoallergenic like their poodle parents. They serve as both pets and service dogs when training is given to them.

The dog grows into three size categories. The size of off springs depends on that of the first-generation poodle. The market currently has standard, medium, and miniature as the main size categories. Males are bigger in all size variations. Standard size ranges in height between 21-24 inches and weigh 50 to 65 pounds. Medium size dogs grow to a height of 17-20 inches and are 30 to 45 pounds in weight.

The dog has several attractive characteristics that make many people to love them. Some of the characteristics they are known for include affection, sociability, level headedness, intelligence, and cheerful disposition. They are playful when happy and treats every member of the family as a best friend. Temperament is affected by factors such as training, socialization, and heredity. When choosing, one should consider puppies that neither beat littermates nor shy away from people.

In general labradoodles maintain good health, although certain infections and diseases may affect them in different stages of growth. The effect of infections and diseases may vary from one animal to another. Infections and diseases that affect them include ear infections, hip and elbow dysplasia, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, progressive retinal atrophy, various allergies, and hypothyroidism. Health clearances of parents should be shown before purchasing puppies from a breeder.

This dog should be raised in apartments although they do well in the back yards. Daily exercise must be ensured for at least an hour. Excess energy is expelled during exercise. Failing to expel the excess energy causes the dog to become destructive. The dog is good for providing company when going for a jog or walk.

The animal should not be over-fed or under-fed. 1 to 2.5 cups of food is the recommended amount. The food should be dry and rich in nutrients or all kinds. Two meals are sufficient in a day.

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