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jeudi 14 août 2014

How To Prepare For First Time Dog Boarding Baltimore

By Linda Ruiz

For pet owners who are waiting on leaving for a holiday or need to make provision for business travel, it is important to consider the remedies available to provide round the clock care for your canine companions. The kennels are a popular choice as it assists in regular feeds, grooming, social time, and security when you cannot take animals along. With the right preparation for dog boarding Baltimore owners can ensure peace of mind that the necessary measures are met for suitable outcomes.

The first step is to choose a boarding kennel based on its reputability and the services that are made available for the wellness of all canines. This includes a thorough assessment of recommendations made by friends, family, and veterinarians in the region. The environment should be hygienic, free from odors, spacious, secure, and be supervised on a regular basis by competent and trained staff.

When you find a facility of interest, prepare your pets by updating all vaccinations to ensure that they are accepted by the kennel. A large number of reputable facilities include updated vet checks as a basic requirement for all animals entering the premises due to the rapid spread of disease that can occur in such quarters. Injections that should be received include Parvo virus, Distemper, and rabies.

Different kennels are available to offer various grooming measures that is dependent on the expenses that are included. One should take the time to apply tick and flea products that will aid in optimum protection against an infestation. A tick bite can transmit diseases such as Biliary and therefore maximum measures of prevention should be adopted.

Consider the amount of space that is made available for your canine and the duration of time you will be away. It must be free from any odors and mess while caged areas should offer enough space to allow dogs to move around comfortably. If you are leaving int he summer, shade should be available while the colder months should include shelter and warm blankets.

Pet owners should understand that dogs will experience a great deal of stress and anxiety when placed in a kennel facility. If your canine has special needs including food allergies, bring bags of their food and do not rely on the options that are provided by the kennel. Under stress animals are less likely to eat and will not consume unfamiliar foods particularly if it causes discomfort.

In the search for the right type of boarding kennels, it is important to base your decision on a complete investigation. Research is key when it comes to the reputability of a facility and the highest possible standard of service should be made available at all times. Determine the security features on the premises and whether competent staff are ready to provide constant supervision.

The choice of boarding kennels should be based on research. All responsible pet owners will ensure that the steps are taken to protect their precious canines. This includes trained staff and positive reviews of a particular facility.

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