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mardi 26 août 2014

Individuals Can Find A Broad Array Of Feline News Articles

By Harriet Porter

People who love cats often look for interesting cat stories. Such individuals can typically find the items they seek online. From stories about cats that weigh over thirty pounds, to articles about cats that have traveled hundreds of miles to find their owners, there is plenty of information about cats worth browsing. Whether an individual sees an article about a domesticated cat or a lion, the item could be well worth sharing.

The type of story that involves a lost creature finding its path home is ever popular, especially if the conclusion is a positive one. If a cat makes its way home alive, its human family members are apt to be delighted, no matter how long it was gone. To return to their owners, some whiskered creatures have traveled over a hundred miles, and such tales can be found in a variety of feline news articles. Even if a cat was only several streets away, its human family is likely to be relieved when it comes home.

In recent stories, cats have been described as attacking and frightening their human families. In a recent item, a cat might have been stepped on unintentionally by its owner. The cat was immediately alarmed and became violent, biting and scratching its human companions. While this might not appear to be an appropriate way for a domesticated cat to behave, if a beast thinks it is being attacked, it is normal for it to act defensively.

Cats that interact with other kinds of critters are frequently the subjects of stories online. A cat could befriend a creature with feathers, such as a crow, parakeet, or owl. Individuals are sometimes amazed by the way that some cats enjoy frolicking with goats, rabbits, foxes, or dogs. Various animals may form bonds with other species, including a wide variety of animals with cats.

The old sentiment about curiosity killing the cat is not unfounded. Cats are curious critters, and that natural curiosity can lead a cat into a wide variety of precarious circumstances. One cat recently crawled into a chimney, and was unable to get out of the chimney for over fifty days. Eventually, he was saved from a fate of dying in the chimney.

Climbing high up in trees and on buildings is something that countless cats have done. Recently in Alaska, a cat fell off of a very high building. The cat lived after the incident, but some injuries resulted from the fall.

Being overweight is a problem for some cats. In some cases, cats have simply been fed more than they needed. In other cases, overweight cats are born with metabolisms that are slow. Individuals have reported seeing or owning cats that weigh thirty pounds or more. Any person who owns a cat that is overweight should take it to a veterinarian, since there could be ways to aid the cat in losing pounds.

People continue to be amused and entertained by the antics of curious or mischievous cats. To keep their pets healthy and happy, most cat owners seem willing to take the actions that are necessary, including getting them vaccinated and keeping them indoors. However, cats are not likely to stop doing silly and sometimes dangerous things.

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