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vendredi 15 août 2014

Have You Got The Best Pet Insurance?

By Linda Ruiz

When you want to protect certain things in your life you will get them insured. Everyone knows that you have to get your car covered and most people will opt for home cover and even life insurance. People who have pets understand that it can be expensive to take them to the vets in an emergency, which is why they are looking for the best pet insurance. If you are currently searching for a policy here are some of the points you must consider.

What does you policy include? Do not assume that all insured animals get the same cover because they don't. The treatment and amount payable all depends on the policy that you have taken out. Never take one out if you are not absolutely sure of what you are getting for your money.

Next you need to consider if cover for a particular animal or breed would be more suitable. This can often work out better for you if you have a breed that is prone to certain problems as the insurer will have cover for you. If you have a mixed breed dog for instance a more general policy might be more suitable.

It is also vital to understand that when you take out a policy you will still be expected to pay for all annual visits to the vets. No insurer will cover you for this as everyone expects to take their pets to the vets for vaccinations and checkups. So don't assume that you will not have to put aside money for this each year.

Next you should think about the amount you can claim for and the amount of excess you will have to pay. In some cases you can claim from $500 upwards to around $15000, depending on the type of policy you purchase. Make sure that you know this figure or you could find that you can't afford to claim if you can't pay it.

Some of the polices that are out there will include liability cover which is a good idea if you have a pet that likes to run away. Dogs that are on the loose can be a danger to property and people. However this means that if anyone needs to make a claim against you there is no need to worry.

Finally it is also a good idea to know that a lifetime or an annual policy are not the same, even though you take them out per year. If you opt for lifetime cover you will have one policy with one insurer for the whole life of your pet. If you opt for annual cover it will last for one year and at the end of that year you can change insurers.

If you are looking for the perfect policy think about what you have just read. And earlier as yourself with different levels of cover and from then you can choose a policy that best fits your situation. When cover is arranged you will no longer have to worry what would happen if you were faced with an expensive vets bill.

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