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samedi 30 août 2014

Finding The Greatest Dog Portrait Artists

By Mattie MacDonald

Some people owns dogs as pets, while other people owns dogs that are more than just a pet, they are family. A dog owner that just sees his dog as his pet will probably not be interested in finding dog portrait artists. The dog owners that have dogs they treat like family will probably want to find the very best artist out there to have their beloved dogs picture painted so they can hang it for everyone to see.

It's really not much different than having your children's portraits done. You want to find the best for your children because you want it to look great when it's done. It is the same thing with your dog. You want an artist that is going to do a fantastic job so you try to find the best.

You might think that there are not many artist that paint portraits of dogs but there are actually a lot of them. Some artist like for you to bring your dog to them for them to do the painting, but others would rather do the painting in the dogs home where he feels comfortable. There are also some that would prefer to paint from a photograph.

If you choose to use an artist from another country the best way to handle that is to send them their money and send them a photo of your dog. You and your dog could always go to where the artist lives but that is time consuming and expensive. You don't have to go to the artist because you can get a great portrait from a photo.

Most dogs will not sit still long enough for an artist to do a painting of them so that is why a picture is easier to use for an artist. It's hard for a grown person to sit still for an extended amount of time so how would you expect a dog to do it.

It will take time, lots of time. They are not done in a few minutes they are not even done in an hour. So think about that and decide if you would rather you dogs portrait be painted from a photograph or if you want to try to get your dog to sit still for his or her portrait.

Not everyone gets a painting made of their dog even if they do love their dog like family. Some people just take snap shots and put them up around the house, some people have a photograph taken of the whole family and include their dogs in the family portrait. It doesn't mean you do not love your dog if you do not get a painting done of your dog.

If you do decide to do one though, you should do some research and find a great artist that does portraits of animals before you choose one. You do not want to pay for a painting and get it back and have it look like all other dogs of it's breed. You want it to look like your dog.

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